Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They continued to enjoy rather more autonomy in running their own affairs , but the state officials who dealt with them were scarcely less rapacious than landlords .
2 KPMG has authorisation from the ICAEW to carry on all investment business except discretionary management .
3 And this government wants it to carry on that way . ’
4 The European Court further ruled in this case that Arts 48 and 59 of the EC Treaty do not prevent a member state from requiring that the exercise of the profession of auditor in that state by a person qualified to carry on that profession in another member state be subject to conditions which are objectively necessary to guarantee observation of professional rules concerning the permanence of the infrastructure in place for the completion of the work , the effective presence in the member state and assurance of the observation of professional ethics , unless respect for such rules and conditions is already guaranteed by a reviseur d'entreprises , whether a natural person or a firm , established and recognised in the state , and in whose service is placed , for the duration of the work , the person who intends to exercise the profession of auditor .
5 This is because s. 81(2) of the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 states that a dismissal is by reason of redundancy if it is ‘ wholly or mainly attributable to … the fact that his ( i.e. the employee 's ) employer … has ceased or intends to cease , to carry on that business in the place where the employee was so employed … ’ .
6 Would he like to carry on that legacy in cinema ?
7 He sat in silence as she worked , and for that , at least , she was grateful , knowing it would be well-nigh impossible to carry on any kind of sane conversation right now .
8 ( ‘ Statutory undertakers ' are defined as ‘ persons authorized by any enactment to carry on any railway , light railway , road transport , water transport , canal , inland navigation , dock , harbour , pier or lighthouse undertaking , or any undertaking for the supply of electricity , gas , hydraulic power or water ’ . )
9 A statement in its memorandum of association that the company 's object shall be to carry on business as a general commercial company shall mean that its object is to carry on any trade or business whatsoever , and in such a case the company has power to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the carrying on of any trade or business by it .
10 Lord Denning MR said : Every member of the community is entitled to carry on any trade or business he chooses and in such manner as he thinks most desirable in his own interests , so long as he does nothing unlawful : with the consequence that any contract which interferes with the free exercise of his trade or business , by restricting him in the work he may do for others , or the arrangements which he may make with others , is a contract in restraint of trade .
11 I 'm fine , ’ Laura mumbled , so used to silence first thing in the morning that she was finding it incredibly difficult to carry on any form of conversation .
12 ‘ You ca n't possibly expect me to carry on this sort of charade — not for that length of time ? ’
13 The pressure of work , the need to earn , the pressure of family and children , the disappointment of new partners are only too real but do not say , ‘ I only have strength to carry on this path I am treading .
14 ‘ He 'll need sons to carry on this place . ’
15 This was true enough : the Company needed to sell about £100,000 of goods a year in West Africa to carry on enough trade to cover its fixed costs for shipping and for its forts ; it was never able to manage this and in a good year it could only take about 6,000 slaves across , which might be worth £90,000 .
16 More specific information can be given to tell the system to include only those employees from a particular grade , to specify how the information should be sorted , whether any totalling is required and to give a title .
17 It can be assumed that this will eventually bottom out to include only those children whose handicap is so great that they require constant medical supervision of a highly sophisticated nature .
18 This hardly tallies with the sentiments expressed in a letter in the possession of the College in which Coleman , writing on 24 February 1813 , gracefully declined an invitation to become President of the London Veterinary Society : ‘ Gentlemen , I received your letter , and it gives me great pleasure to see so much zeal for the improvement of the veterinary art in Gentlemen , whom any & every Teacher might well be proud to call his Pupils — I shall most willingly grant the use of the College Theatre for the examination and discussion of such points as may be considered by you most important for the advancement of the Veterinary Science … you rightly observe that a number of minds concentrated on one object can not fail to improve any art far beyond the reach of any individual and I have no doubt that the Public will ultimately derive great benefits from your united exertions .
19 Letterman implies that he had to divorce her for her own good ; he could not bear to see so much life force confined in marriage .
20 Already I think I found it painful to see so much vacuity without leisure , indolence without refinement .
21 It is encouraging to see so much attention paid to the development of youth cricket with articles on the Essex Colts , the Indoor School , Kwik Cricket and the Essex Schools Cricket Association , while at the other end of the scale , there is an insight into the Essex Over-50 XI .
22 There has been a lot lately in the Press and on TV about crime and violence and it is sad to see so much wrong being done by the very young of today .
23 The trade in all his restaurants had been slack over the past couple of weeks , and he was glad to see so many lunchtime diners .
24 One of the great pleasures of the exhibition is to see so many works of high quality brought into close proximity .
25 Many people said that they had an enjoyable afternoon and made a significant dent in their Christmas shopping list ; it was really nice to see so many members there .
26 It is good to see so many cheese and Wensleydale lovers quick to defend the same .
27 It was great to see so many climbers just having a go and obviously enjoying themselves .
28 In addition to all this , Professor Learner has been involved at various times in university adult education , and he takes English Literature courses regularly for the Centre for Continuing Education students , usually , but not invariably , at Friends Centre in Brighton , and I am sure that like myself he is happy to see so many adults from outside the university with us tonight .
29 Thank you very much for supporting the evening , nice to see so many faces , as I said especially on a summer evening like today .
30 ‘ I 'm glad to see so many clowns here instead of where they should be — in Westminster or back in their constituencies , ’ quips Ron Moody , president of Clowns International , at the official opening of the European Clowns ' Convention on 21 March .
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