Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Was there a wind to swing the great plantation bell which he had brought home and hung on the oak beside the east gate ?
2 Police have called in professional shark hunters in a bid to kill the great white .
3 The aim was to find £600,000 to restore the Great Hall .
4 Bill Fraser , accompanied by Sergeants Tait and DuVivier and Privates Byrne and Phillips , arrived back at Jalo four days after the others , able to claim the greatest success .
5 It was not difficult to secure an appointment to interview the great director and we met in his caravan after the Saturday matinee performance .
6 So we thought , first the Caribbean for a couple of weeks , then , later in the year , your mother quite wants to see the Great Wall of China before she 's too old .
7 He said , ‘ My son , my body is returning to my mother earth , and my spirit is going very soon to see the Great Spirit
8 From almost every hilltop it was possible to see the great column of smoke , still far , but much nearer than they had ever seen it before .
9 But fans were saddened to see the great man so affected by Parkinson 's disease .
10 ‘ It 's a little price to pay to see the great detective 's great detective at work , ’ said Antony .
11 One day in 1905 , George Bernard Shaw visited Professor Almroth Wright 's laboratory at St Mary 's Hospital , London , to see the great bacteriologist 's work on phagocytosis and the assessment of immunity by his ‘ opsonic index ’ ( a primitive measure of antibodies ) .
12 I visited the chapel at Strangeways prison to see the great destruction that had occurred , and I wondered whether human beings could have been responsible for it .
13 In the future , if ever my old feelings about Mr Rochester began to return , I would only have to glance at the two pictures to see the great difference between us , and in this way common sense would destroy my foolish dreams .
14 Mark Twain , for example , who went to see the Great Exhibition of 1867 , wrote : ‘ ( I saw ) Napoleon in military uniform — long-bodied , short-legged man , fiercely moustached , old , wrinkled , with eyes half-closed and such a deep crafty scheming expression about them . ’
15 Cornish celebrities of his acquaintance included John Couch Adams , discoverer of the planet Neptune , and Mary Kelynack , renowned as the lady who , at the age of eighty , walked from Newlyn to London and back to see the Great Exhibition of 1851 .
16 To establish whether government investment was made where it was likely to see the greatest return or to areas of greatest deprivation , public spending patterns were analysed in the light of private investment and previous revitalisation and deprivation patterns .
17 Wiltshire Community Foundation says policies fail to acknowledge the greater cost of providing rural services .
18 My hon. Friend is right to emphasise the great importance that we attach to a successful GATT round .
19 They also did their best to lose the great dome in a jostling scrum of office buildings , so mediocre that the only way you ever remember them is by the frustration they induce .
20 Again I felt so relieved to be ‘ in care , ’ and to enjoy the great comfort of a room with two beds and unlimited baths , and a nurse or two around the place to check on my progress .
21 Two hundred years would have passed since the Maestro Sartori had attempted , and failed , to perform the greatest act of magic known to this or any other Dominion .
22 And so just as Jesus showed his at-one-ment with us , he now asks us to show our at-one-ment with him , and join him to continue the Great Battle until the final defeat of Evil and the ‘ restoration of all things ’ .
23 In order to be a Christian and to continue the Great Battle against the Evil One , I can not return to the life and times of the New Testament church as if there had been no history in between .
24 He goes on : ‘ Since these costs … would have to be paid by a grant … and since a grant of above £10 million requires affirmative resolution [ and thus debate ] in the House , it seems there are two choices : to cap the BAe grant at £9.5 million ; or set the ceiling at £13.5 million and for you to accept the greater risk of challenge and thus repayment being required . ’
25 It seems far more reasonable to accept the great progress that Christian thinking has brought , while understanding the equally valid Christian teaching that man is a wretched sinner and needs to be changed .
26 The elephant not only pipped dolphin and tiger to the post to emerge as overall winner , but also seemed to attract the greatest loyalty in voters .
27 The Independent of Dec. 2 described the agreement as effectively " throwing a ring-fence around the Community " which would " condemn " eastern Europe to bear the greater burden for taking in victims of the war in former Yugoslavia .
28 She who had long since learned the necessary control to hide her feelings was about to suffer the greatest humiliation of all , the fall of angry tears which would betray her sensitivity , leaving her naked and vulnerable before this man whom she had begun to trust … åd his friends …
29 MOTORCYCLE stunt rider Eddie Kidd is planning to jump the Great Wall of China next month .
30 Mr Honecker doubtless also wanted no unpleasantness to cloud the great event .
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