Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is little point in denying that if Britain is to enable the very old in the present as well as the future to live out their remaining years in dignity , more human and material resources will have to be devoted to their welfare .
2 For the discussion of these categories it will be helpful to borrow the very clever metaphors with which Joseph Joachim , the famous 19th-century violinist , characterized the types of staccato as ‘ snow , ‘ rain ’ and ‘ hail ’ .
3 I see no reason why we should not have a pension scheme connected to restructuring , but the aid is supposed to affect the very small farms directly .
4 A team of three , al ‘ freshers ’ at college , we rolled up one sunny September Saturday morning with a plan to sample the very best the area had to offer .
5 I WISH to thank the very kind gentleman who gave me money when my purse was stolen from my handbag while I was shopping at Dunn 's store , St John 's Precinct .
6 Harry was able to fit in only two further meetings with Alice — one when she had taken him to see the very impressive new branch of the Maison Verveine , and the other when she had invited him back to the flat to meet Jules .
7 To see the very latest in fitted bedroom designs , built in the time honoured tradition of craftsmen , send today for your FREE 72 page Strachan brochure .
8 His hand slid from her face to her shoulder and he glanced towards the bar where the men had brought their drinks out to see the very last of this unusual event .
9 To emphasise the very essential connection between the two modes of being , Hilton introduces the metaphorical interpretation of the Old Testament story of Jacob 's marriage to Leah and Rachel .
10 Forward planning and good communication are the two foundation stones that must be in place to guarantee that people ill with HIV have the best choices and continue to enjoy the very best quality of life , wherever they choose to be .
11 Few were large enough to support the very specialised and restrictive craft gilds of the greater regional centres .
12 At any rate , it was difficult to see that the FAA had any good reason not to implement the very important recommendations made by their own US investigating authority , the NTSB , after the Windsor accident , especially as the RLD had gone to the trouble of flying to Los Angeles to make their point .
13 ‘ We have to work very hard not to treat the very frail old people as children .
14 Indeed in a ‘ traffic vulnerable ’ category we would have to include the very young and very old , so that it could comprise 30–50 per cent of population depending on age definitions .
15 Great thanks are due to the Dyfed Wildlife Trust for organising the trip and being such good hosts , and especially to Jane Asher for taking the time not only to make the visit but also to meet the very short deadline required for the article .
16 This word , together with ‘ in me ’ , appear in every quatrain serving to establish the very personal relationship of the two concerned , evoking an ambience of intimacy which so rightly suits the theme of old age and approaching death .
17 Yet these examples , too , are significant , for they underline the unfortunate truth that the production and distribution of books to primary schools are important enough , financially , to attract the very largest species of shark against whom the professional at the ministry or in the centre ( who is usually no more than an average sized fish ) has little redress .
18 It goes without saying that this designation is solely a function of the propensity of such locales to attract the very ugliest examples of Homo erectus .
19 When coupled with the impact of lifelong low social and economic status resulting from the influence of social class , the effect of these policies is to impose the very severest deprivation on very elderly working-class women .
20 Gordon 's favours Umbrian juniper berries — and the Scarponis , who have been harvesting juniper for Gordon 's for over 40 years , use their local knowledge to find the very best juniper Umbria can offer .
21 In the same × 7 field it is easy to find the very wide pair of Theta¹ ; ( 4.3 ) and Theta² ; ( 4.7 ) , which are not genuinely associated ; as noted earlier , the dimmer component is much the more distant of the two .
22 Still , they are about to discover the very real difficulties of using this medium during the delivery of their first course .
23 The lengths to which these specialists will go to extract the very last fragment of information are quite extraordinary , some of which are described in detail in chapter 7 .
24 The neutrons came from fusion reactions between particles that had been accelerated to very high energies by magnetic fields the scientists were using to contain the very hot ionised gases that were supposed to support fusion .
25 Follow the west bank of the river downstream to pass the very impressive Upper Middle and Lower Clungwyn Falls .
26 In no way a carbon copy of the Windows application , the DOS package has its own features and failings destined to attract a very different audience .
27 The increasing sophistication of urban demands for consumer goods such as pots and ironwork for house-building , the problems brought about by the steady withdrawal from continental sources of supply and the need for stronger defences , combined with the entrepreneurial spirit of many local landlords and the increased flow of capital from farming and trading profits to encourage a very rapid development indeed .
28 ‘ It will be very interesting to see what they come up with , particularly after they offered at Tuesday 's meeting to write a very strong letter of protest to the TCCB . ’
29 Archbishop Fisher went so far as to write a very tough letter to the editor in defence of Ramsey .
30 To make the computer choose phenotypic effects directly , we should have to write a very sophisticated pattern-recognition program .
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