Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 The question is how Sun , Taligent , IBM , HP and others would be able to accommodate each others ' technology under such an umbrella .
2 The question is how Sun , Taligent , IBM , Hewlett-Packard and others would be able to accommodate each others ' technology under such an umbrella .
3 Such functionality requires a set of application programming interfaces allowing Tuxedo and CICS/6000-based TP systems to acknowledge each others ' transaction requests .
4 Great care should be taken in using real output per capita figures to compare different countries ' standards of living .
5 Debbie sports a Medicine shirt , to remind us that the difficult West Coast noiseniks were once to play Rollercoaster , but would 've had to go on at about three in the afternoon to meet some venues ' childish curfews .
6 To facilitate international links between the public networks , efforts are being made to standardise different countries ' ISDNs .
7 Some editors decide whether the first set of comments have been met and send for fresh reports only for major revisions , whereas others seem to obtain fresh referees ' reports routinely .
8 That night I packed , ordered the cook to prepare some chicken soup for the journey and to find some cows ' milk .
9 Matthew Wauchope , sales director at Imago Systems , which supplies integrated human resource management applications for use on mainframes , minis and multi-user PCs to medium to large-size companies , also stresses the need for very functional systems that can be tailored to meet different users ' requirements .
10 It is important to delineate these drugs ' mechanisms of action in decreasing urinary albumin excretion in diabetic patients because classic antihypertensive drugs reduce both the rate of progression of diabetic nephropathy and microalbuminuria in normotensive diabetic patients in the short term .
11 That meant that as well as the cheque she had just written for her first month 's rent on her new accommodation , she would have to find three months ' mortgage from somewhere .
12 It might seem obvious that , if one is studying word-meanings , one ought to find native speakers ' intuitions concerning the meanings of words the most informative .
13 The political character of much of the union movement on the European continent also provoked a counter-response by the non-socialist forces in society , particularly the Catholic Church , which proceeded to establish rival workers ' organisations .
14 But Customs have agreed that the requirement to obtain overseas customers ' VAT numbers need not be implemented until 1 July 1993 .
15 In this case a strategy of building and strengthening an existing practice had combined with organizational arrangements to increase small farmers ' output .
16 The Joneses have just been asked to find 15 years ' back rent along with the residents of the other 17 flats at Shire Court in Swindon .
17 Despite its own financial woes , IBM is expected to provide 60 days ' redundancy pay for each of the employees .
18 It had to look ordinary enough to appeal to a much broader market than the CX , but quirky enough to attract 15 years ' worth of loyal CX owners .
19 I used to work seven days ' a week and I , I used to play football .
20 To meet senior executives ' needs , the information must enable them to monitor and control the organisation 's activities against its strategy and objectives , and contribute to an effective strategic decision-making process .
21 Jones has become increasingly loathe to change his side to accommodate individual clubs ' fortunes , and that has brought a first county call-up for young Hawarden Park batsman Darrell Bowden .
22 Moreover , you give a misleading impression that Japan 's foreign aid is a tool to promote Japanese companies ' business activities .
23 Wirral magistrates made a 12-month probation order and also ordered him to serve 100 hours ' community work .
24 The major Japanese computer manufacturers expect to report sharp declines in profits for fiscal 1993 , Associated Press reports from Tokyo : five companies — Hitachi Ltd , Toshiba Corp , Mitsubishi Electric Co , NEC Corp and Fujitsu Ltd are expected to report a combined 72% decline in profits , according to the Nippon Keizai Shimbun , the second consecutive drop in yearly earnings among the five firms , which collectively saw a 59% drop last year from the prior year ; NEC has revised its expected loss upwards to $370m from $77m forecast in November , Hitachi expects earnings to fall 33% to $733m , Fujitsu forecast its first loss at $8.6m , and Mitsubishi Electric expects a 30% fall in profit to $336m ; Sony Corp , NEC and Hitachi are considering raising export prices to compensate for a 6.5% appreciation of the yen against the dollar in the past month , which has begun to erode Japanese exporters ' profits .
25 She is also to serve three years ' probation and do community service at Hale House in Harlem .
26 Marilyn L. Harrell , one of the key figures in the HUD scandal , was sentenced on June 22 to three years and 10 months in prison , and ordered to serve three years ' probation and to pay $600,000 in restitution .
27 We will encourage councils to create more tenants ' cooperatives .
28 ARCHITECTURAL Tours ( 01-267 6497 ) offers a 10-day tour to Los Angeles , ‘ the architectural Mecca of the Western world ’ , to visit many of the buildings including those by Frank Lloyd Wright , Frank Gehry , Ray and Charles Eames , M Schindler , art galleries and museums — as well as the opportunity to visit several architects ' practices .
29 Cornthwaite was ordered to pay £500 compensation and to serve 150 hours ' community work .
30 Perhaps the most important thing that QED will have done is to open other sufferers ' eyes to the realisation that they are very far from being alone .
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