Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] time " in BNC.

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1 So far as to my specific erm , question is on B one , on the white paper , or other target , the public question , thirteen thousand , five hundred pounds of money you do say in the subsequent paragraph , this is to provide public question time at Council meetings .
2 This might be to speed the job up to earn a larger bonus or to create some leisure time during the working shift , or to slow the job down so that an impression of busy-ness is created and he is not given further work .
3 Armed with this new information , Wendy and Mark tried another clinic which used an ovulation kit to pinpoint optimum insemination time .
4 Then in order to convert physical laws valid in SR ( free fall ) directly into forms that are valid in accelerating frames as well , it is generally sufficient to replace all space time derivatives by their covariant equivalents .
5 This usually means little pruning and , potentially even more serious , since large problems frequently have to be terminated before they have been completely solved to avoid excessive computation time , frontier search may provide no solution at all .
6 Yeah , what we call a new cut , we dredge right opposite the Harbourmaster 's office and we dredged all and we used to do that tide time , had to work at ti tides , when it 's high tide , cos that otherwise there were n't any water there at all .
7 The possibility that a dichotic right ear superiority is due to subjects being required to give a verbal response prompted Springer ( 1971 , 1973 ) to present consonant-vowel syllables either dichotically or opposed by white noise ( a mixture of all possible sound frequencies ) and to use manual reaction time to a target syllable as her response measure .
8 Due to the shortage of money , Princeton have had to postpone this experiment time after time .
9 Information concerning motility of the entire colon has been obtained by indirect measures such as the movement of radioopaque markers or barium to assess colonic transit time .
10 It is usually better to pre-treat areas with a hand sprayer to allow adequate contact time .
11 Is this speech long enough on one camera to allow another camera time to switch lenses for a medium shot ?
12 Again he froze it with a quick stare , and was able to repeat this process time and again .
13 As bile salts release PYY and PYY has been reported to slow intestinal transit time , it seemed possible that this peptide plays a role in the regulation of ileal motility .
14 Breath hydrogen analysis after oral lactulose containing meals is an easy , non-invasive , bedside test to measure mouth-to-caecum transit time .
15 to enable them to have more management time , like we 're looking at trying to get them to reduce their work their case loads
16 Normally , some records are accessed more frequently than others , and this tendency can be used to decrease average access time .
17 PREMIER John Major has backed down from promises to stop Civil Service time servers being rewarded through the honours system , say No 10 sources .
18 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
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