Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A positive correlation was found between glycosylated haemoglobin concentration and the prostacyclin concentration necessary to inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation by 50 per cent .
2 And we will continue to support Total Quality Management consultancies .
3 Alternatively , it should be possible to disrupt specific DH sites by homologous recombination , as has been recently described for the β-globin LCR ( 69 ) .
4 Casting grave doubt on the future of any in-house repository at IBM Corp , the company has extended its existing licence for Hewlett-Packard Co 's SoftBench Framework to include non-Unix IBM systems such as OS/2 — the original licence for the software engineering tools environment covered IBM 's AIX-based development offerings only .
5 A voucher scheme has been introduced to encourage coach tour operators to include Historic Scotland properties in their itineraries .
6 but it was it was cos you had you know , you had to go that week kind of thing .
7 Worse , the president promised on new year 's eve to implement Islamic sharia law , which will probably aggravate his war against the non-Muslim rebels of Sudan 's south .
8 They were not required to wear normal police uniform , or to cut their hair short , both of which were considered demeaning .
9 Once again , the budget has been increased to include computer-based sequencing software and synchronising devices a-plenty .
10 More than one million fans are expected at box offices this weekend to see pint-sized superstar Macaulay Culkin 's new blockbuster .
12 He began to run about in front of her , to turn , to perform grotesque dance movements that were not without some grace .
13 Whilst MDC aims to stimulate private sector activity , it is clearly public sector led and financed .
14 Mr Tate said although they felt quite safe on the eighth floor it was disconcerting to see armed security guards and smoke bellowing up through the skyscrapers .
15 Save The Children works with organisations like the Red Cross to restore that life line .
16 It is important also not to pretend that library censorship is such a small problem that it can be safely ignored .
17 The structure is designed to accommodate possible ground movements from future deep mining .
18 However , the USA relaxed its sanctions against Libya in late March to allow US technicians to travel to Libya to combat rampant screwworm infestation which was threatening the region 's cattle .
19 He should have used that opportunity ; especially as new laws will anyway be needed before 1995 to implement European Community directives on investment services .
20 Yeah I used to like , we used to see each other sort of and I
21 He went on to claim that tax changes on share dividends , company cars and the married couple 's allowance would hit the highest paid most .
22 These accounts are also used to settle banks ' foreign exchange transactions and to enable them to conduct normal correspondent banking relationships ( see Chapter 3 , Foreign Exchange Market : Correspondent Banks ) .
23 Daum claimed that his players had been given the new sports designer drug Clenbuterol simply to heal persistent muscle injuries .
24 It was also accused of being a regressive tax , in that the fixed charge per head tended to affect low income earners more than high income earners despite the existence of rebates for poor families .
25 On the date of the Appin murder , Glenure was due to evict eleven Stewart families from Ardshiel , against which James Stewart led the fight for legal redress .
26 Humming occurs , together with attempts to balance glasses of water on edge of playing cards and to perform unaccompanied violin partitas . ’
27 In the discount market the Bank of England takes advantage of day-to-day flows of funds between the public and private sectors to indicate the way in which it wishes to see short-term interest rates move .
28 Most writings seem to agree that leadership vision , or ‘ visioning ’ , as the process has sometimes been called , can be broken down into three distinct stages : ( 1 ) the envisioning of ‘ an image of a desired future organizational state ’ ( Bass , 1987 : 51 ) which ( 2 ) when effectively articulated and communicated to followers ( Bennis and Nanus , 1985 ; Tichy and Devanna , 1986 ; Gluck , 1984 ) serves ( 3 ) to empower those followers so that they can enact the vision ( Sashkin , 1987 ; Srivastva , 1983 ; Conger and Kanungo , 1987 ; Robbins and Duncan , 1987 ) .
29 ‘ Of course we would like to see lower interest rates , ’ he said , acknowledging the burden on people paying mortagages .
30 Bend the pipes to connect each tap tail to the supply pipes
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