Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the terms of redemption merely provided for their redemption at par , their holders would be highly vulnerable ; for if interest rates fell since the date of issue it would clearly pay the company to redeem them and to borrow money at a lower rate of interest than the fixed dividend .
2 Nor , said Thomas Gisborne in 1795 , must he himself disdain to borrow money at the appropriate moment if he is not to put his credit to real and serious hazard .
3 From the late 1620s onwards , a significant number of courtiers had begun to attend mass at the queen 's chapel and a steady stream of them subsequently became converts to Roman Catholicism .
4 Sales are going very well and Professor Jones was delighted to see copies at every location he visited in Brittany last summer .
5 It is up to the Secretary of State , if he keeps internment on the books as he has told us he will , to begin to educate people throughout this kingdom about the need to implement internment at a time that he judges correct — when he is advised by the Chief Constable and the GOC to do so .
6 It is common for pupils to grow in height as much as an inch and a half ; they appear to lose weight at the same time .
7 Darlington council yesterday agreed to demolish sheds at the motive diesel works east of Melland Street and landscape the site as part of the Railside Revival scheme .
8 Social workers visited Celia and Danny to arrange sessions at a family centre , but the couple announced they were going to spend two weeks in Hackney with Danny 's mother .
9 Well I 've visited both Cambodia itself and the camps , er first of all in the camps , the situation is appalling because there are very many people who do not want to be in those camps and are really in effect being held there against their will , and what has been extraordinary until this year , is that the people who 've been holding them there against their will have been the Phol Pot dominated so-called coalition government and on the basis of the people being in the camps , that , that , that regime has gone on to claim recognition at the United Nations ; an appalling situation .
10 PC Kevin Williams , aged 28 , of Paddington Green and Sergeant Colin Moore , of West End Central , accused of perverting the course of justice , were sent on bail to stand trial at the Old Bailey by Bow Street magistrates yesterday .
11 Garvey , of Sandwell Avenue , Middlesbrough , is expecting to stand trial at the Crown Court for the alleged offence but magistrates decided neither case could go ahead after Garvey 's solicitor Jimmy Watson failed to appear .
12 MacArthur , who had flown to meet Truman at the Pacific island of Guam , was confident that the Chinese government would not intervene in Korea .
13 The decision by the Swedish authorities to restart operations at the plant , which had been closed down in September because of a flaw in the emergency cooling system [ see ED 63 ] , has been strongly criticized in Denmark .
14 To take child care for instance , we can suddenly get two or three ah admissions to secure units at a cost of two thousand pounds a week and that 's er you know a hundred thousand a year per child so we can really there are other votes that can , can absorb that sort of money .
15 When he struggled to find winners at the start of the season , the cries of gleeful recrimination reached a crescendo .
16 Delaunay used to meet Picasso at the gatherings at the Douanier Rousseau 's , while Metzinger was a frequent visitor to Picasso 's studio in the Bateau Lavoir during the early years of Cubism , and was an important agent in transmitting the first discoveries of Picasso and Braque .
17 The ANC indicated that it was prepared to meet Inkatha at a multiparty meeting in the context of the National Peace Accord [ see p. 38422 ] , but expressed unwillingness to hold bilateral talks , arguing that previous meetings had failed to produced effective results [ see pp. 37951-52 ] .
18 Due to sudden and unexpected problems the last Q.T. day had to have a shortened and condensed programme and it was not possible to provide tea at the end of the day .
19 Central London teachers are asked to provide tea at the next training day ( 17th October 1981 ) .
20 we went to meet mummy at the Jolly Farmers
21 In himself , Couples has the potential to displace Borg at the top of the pyramid of Great Baffled Victims of Success .
22 It is not possible to obtain data at a sufficiently disaggregated level to confirm this argument , but it is consistent with the data that are available .
23 This work could eventually lead to better machine vision systems and optoelectronic neural integrated circuits that would literally enable parallel computers to process data at the speed of light .
24 This work could eventually lead to better machine vision systems and optoelectronic neural integrated circuits that would literally enable parallel computers to process data at the speed of light .
25 Even in the early days , when wage differentials between the two cities were not great , the Edinburgh compositors were considered by their Glasgow colleagues to be lacking in spirit : " The printers [ i.e. compositors ] of Edinburgh had the unenviable reputation of being willing to accept work at a reduced rate in almost any town in the United Kingdom before 1840 . "
26 And she got about half a dozen of the strongest boys from standard one to stand guard at the door .
27 The eighteenth-century administration sought to protect those whom the intendant of Burgos called the ‘ wretched slaves ’ of the landlords : there were proposals to freeze rents at the 1770 level , to set up arbitration boards of peasants and landlords .
28 The German government has offered to spend £82 million over the next seven years to make the plant safe , and Electricite de France has agreed to train technicians at the plant which suffers from a shortage of skilled workers due to poor working conditions and low pay .
29 Many trade unionists , acutely sensitive to wage reductions at a time of high unemployment and deflation , held two important views on the matter of pensions .
30 Are you allowed to transact business at the door Paul ?
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