Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er y do you find it difficult to find people to look after the children , or is it just that you , you would n't want to go out ?
2 It is important to encourage children to look for clues , and to realise that some small detail ( a crest on the side of a coach , for instance , or a sign above a shop ) may have an important bearing on the story or meaning of the picture .
3 These are often fixed , but a movable ladder can be hooked on different sides to encourage children to look in different directions .
4 The questions given above under " Groupwork " are intended to encourage trainees to look for evidence as to the effectiveness of the technique and the teacher 's use of it .
5 She came to visit Streatlam to look at the horses and I thought what a very handsome woman she was .
6 District nurses were made available to help mum look after me , though they were very unreliable .
7 New guidance from the Standing Conference on Drug Abuse , Alcohol Concern and the Local Government Drugs Forum with input from other specialists and the DoH , aims to help authorities look at the most effective and useful ways of assessing the needs of alcohol and drug misusers and managing their care .
8 The Clearing System is designed to help people looking for an alternative place .
9 These exercises have met with acclaim worldwide for their ability to help villagers look at their lives critically and constructively with minimal input from the workshop leader .
10 Mrs Keith , Senior , who had been staying with Jim and Jean during Tina s confinement , then came back in the trap with Bruce to take up her old room at the Mackenzie 's again , and to help Hilda look after the house and wee Billy .
11 We 'd really like the other one done by the tourist season because it 's the sort of thing to send people to look at
12 When coastal stocks began to dwindle Japan looked to species frequenting deeper waters , such as the rorquals ( and others ) .
13 Lina said to Shelley with a little grin , as her employer led the way down the grass towards the pool , ‘ Sometimes I think I will pretend to drown a little , to get Carlos to look at me .
14 ‘ Britain was the first to pay farmers to look after the land and care for the countryside , while cutting back on production .
15 ‘ You do tend to get thugs looking for a fight trying to join up for my classes , that 's why you have to be very selective . ’
16 The health secretary , Kenneth Clarke , said he would examine a proposal to pay people to look after frail elderly relatives instead of putting them in homes .
17 Erm if you wanted to get time to look at the chart to colour the planets the right colour that 's up to you .
18 There was another couple in there , and it enabled Paul and Emily to have time to look about them undisturbed .
19 Mr Nash added that the whole basis of ASB chairman David Tweedie 's approach was to stop people looking at special figures and make them examine various factors .
20 If you want to stop people looking in your window board them up , like on continent be time
21 We do , however , need to spend time looking at some of the shortcomings of the ‘ props ’ .
22 They 'll want to spend time looking at equipment they ca n't afford or can only just run to and will be at some stage of agonising over whether to buy or not .
23 In this respect , the ‘ trick ’ was to make macroeconomics look like neoclassical microeconomics .
24 Indeed , one critic of the exercise considered that ‘ the circular was a device which managed to make LEAs look as if they were failing in their duties , and thus allowed the DES to take the initiative ’ .
25 Hamburg 's decision to follow suit looks like a shining opportunity for venturesome British outfits , but there are snags .
26 Well you do know th th that you 're saying that they want to make a particular point strongly and er that that might involve erm an elephant in of bad taste in order to make it striking and to make people look at it and think about it .
27 SCO does n't admit to be working on a COSE version of Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT ( UX No 429 ) , but says it is technically possible to make NT look like a COSE implementation .
28 Santa Cruz does n't admit to be working on a COSE version of Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT , but says it is technically possible to make NT look like a COSE implementation .
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