Example sentences of "[to-vb] part in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 PACE Code D 2.2 — identification parade — officer involved in investigation not to take part in parade — whether bringing suspect to parade ‘ taking part ’
2 This was followed by a statement from the New China News Agency on 6 July conveying the desire of the Chinese communists to take part in peace negotiations over Japan .
3 It was all part of his campaign to enable him to take part in Operation Raleigh in February this year .
4 As a result , leaders of young Japanese companies agreed to take part in pilot projects to help young entrepreneurs in eastern Europe .
5 It was reported on Feb. 11 that a total of 171 foreign companies , 75 per cent of which were US-based , had signed contracts to take part in emergency re-building .
6 She coped well with the change-over and immediately welcomed any opportunity to take part in household activities .
7 As a Roman Catholic organisation , Puskat is sensitive to the multi-cultural environment of Indonesia , and people of all faiths are welcome to take part in village hall activities .
8 In schools where the head had encouraged the staff to take part in decision-making , leading to finance allocation , he/she was frequently disappointed by the apparent unwillingness of the staff to get involved .
9 For the Mensheviks this implied that state power must pass to bourgeois parties , and although the proletariat must play a major , even leading role in overturning autocracy , it would be madness for the Social Democrats to take part in government .
10 The charity that provides the opportunities and facilities for disabled people to take part in sport .
11 They express current mood , state of finance , preparation to take part in sport , or to go to work .
12 The charity that provides the opportunities and facilities for disabled people to take part in sport .
13 — links among different agencies which provide opportunities to take part in sport and physical recreation
14 Sport 2000 seeks to create a situation where all sportsmen and women will have the opportunity to take part in sport at whatever level their ability or interest allows .
15 Aside from this , there was an invitation to take part in Poll Tax Bingo , an introductory subscription to a new magazine called Torture , Bestiality , Ritual Murder And Game Shows On Cable and Satellite ! and a letter which gave me the chance to send £10 notes to ten strangers .
16 The Gloucestershire Regiment will help any school , or youth group which wants to take part in adventure training .
17 Competitors are expected to take part in athletics , swimming , badminton , tennis , squash , cyclng and golf .
18 Lesbians and gays — an increasing number of whom were at least halfway out of the closet — continued to take part in church activities .
19 They therefore prefer to take part in church work .
20 And finally , organise the volunteers to take part in phone-in radio programmes and write letters to both press and radio .
21 Officers were allowed to take part in board discussions , and they saw one of their main roles as being to help prevent negative decisions from being taken for trivial reasons .
22 Members of the Consultative Forum were asked to nominate people with experience of developing , using and evaluating staff development materials to take part in trial testing and the workshops were run by SCOTVEC Field Officers who had no previous experience of working with these materials .
23 When asked if he sees himself as a business man or a sailor , he replies without demur that he is ‘ a businessman ’ , but he also professes , a touch pugnaciously , to being ‘ a socialist ’ and believes that opportunities for the ordinary person to take part in ocean racing have become even fewer since large scale sponsorship .
24 Children learn how to take part in discussion , not just in the making of statements .
25 The duties of the professor are , in summary , to pursue original research in the archaeology and art of Rome and its empire ; to give in each academic year at least 36 lectures and classes ; to promote the study of Roman Art and Archaeology at undergraduate level both in the Honour School of Literae Humaniores and related joint schools and in the new Honour School of Archaeology and Anthropology ; to play a leading part in the guidance , supervision , encouragement and examination of graduate students ; and also , when requested to take part in undergraduate examinations .
26 For groups in this position the right to take part in politics represents little more than the right to whistle in the wind .
27 ‘ It is not the resource of money we specifically need , indeed we cut our training programme budget last year by almost half , as we did not have the staff employed to be able to spare enough of them to take part in training sessions .
28 ‘ We do not have the staff employed to be able to spare enough of them to take part in training sessions ’ …
29 Balbinder used to be ‘ wild ’ , but he had learned to share and to take part in group work , despite still being a very lively child .
30 A prison which encourages inmates to take part in group therapy has been praised by a government minister .
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