Example sentences of "[to-vb] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 US Secretary of State James Baker also visited Poland on May 6 to brief Polish leaders and to pass over a West German invitation for Poland to join the July round of two-plus-four talks in Paris .
2 Therefore if an SAA program wants to talk to a Unix sockets-based program , it ca n't — however two SAA programs will be able to talk over TCP/IP and two Unix applications will be able to communicate over an SNA network .
3 This is claimed to enable the DXE-based routers to communicate over an HSS interface at speeds from 1.5Mbps to 52Mbps .
4 It 's not enough any more to have comfortable boots and something waterproof to slip over a jumper .
5 It would be safer to try over a weekend .
6 Jacques Devraux and his son were waiting beside a baggage truck that was already loaded with the rest of their hunting equipment , and leaving their sons to stand watch , the two men disappeared into the shadowy interior of the market to haggle over a purchase of several hundred pounds of salt and arsenical soap that would be used for drying and preserving the hides of animals they hoped to shoot .
7 ‘ I had to jump over a hedge , ’ she said , ‘ and I tore my bloomers . ’
8 The fawn was badly injured trying to jump over a wire fence , and had to be operated on to save her life .
9 Coping strategies which are sometimes suggested , like making a mental agreement with yourself or even an actual arrangement with the other party , to stand over an arm 's length away and promise not to move from your spot , are sensible if the temperature really soars .
10 In what other job might you call in and use a hot air balloon to appear over a city on a publicity stunt and that same afternoon sit in on a seminar which you have arranged as a scientific event ?
11 The fourteen-gallon tank had been about one quarter full of fuel , and both it and a second partially-filled tank were each found to contain over a quarter of a pint of water , the result of condensation forming in the tanks over a six-day period .
12 If machines could be taught to plan over a chessboard , maybe they could do it in a factory as well .
13 We can note , too , that the tippe-top differs markedly from the gyroscope : a tippe-top turns over spontaneously — indeed , it is hard to stop it from doing so — whereas a considerable amount of effort is required to flip over a gyroscope .
14 Queenie , come up to my office right away will you , I want to go over a mistake in the takings .
15 As anyone will tell you , it 's easy to go over the limit , especially at this time of year when people are preparing for Christmas and buying presents .
16 Take all the time you need to mull over a plan or proposal , do n't let anyone pressurise you into snap decisions .
17 Angry students at Margaret Thatcher 's old Oxford college are threatening to sue over a decision to admit men .
18 A businessman is threatening to sue over a bank 's advice
19 Then it was back down to ground level to celebrate over a bottle of champagne with Zoe 's mum , Pat , and husband Joe .
20 And at times of new issues , they will often be committed to purchasing very large amounts of stock which they can only expect to sell over a period of weeks ; during which period they are exposed to the risk of capital loss if prices fall .
21 Wednesday were twice in trouble in the first half — Woods doing well to tip over a Marcus Marin shot , and Nigel Worthington clearing a Witeczek header off the line .
22 You could perhaps introduce the occasional hot item such as garlic bread , wrapped in tinfoil , to complement the salad , and hot fudge sauce to pour over an ice cream dessert .
23 When the land buyer is investigating a potential site , it is essential to walk over every part of the land .
24 But there is no way he will be held to ransom over a figure which is totally unrealistic .
25 This ends just before the large A4031 bridge from which the canal emerges to cross over an aqueduct over a minor road with a public house below on the left and then crosses over another aqueduct over the railway main line through Birmingham .
26 It is a picturesque favourite of visiting party leaders : those present remember fondly Sir David Steel 's manful attempt to smile over a plateful of cockles during the 1987 election .
27 When she reappeared on the stage it was to look over a sea of smiling faces and to listen to the chant now of ‘ Macushla !
28 To sail over a wave without jumping you need to unhook and let your legs absorb the rising wave — rather like a skier uses his legs as shock absorbers over bumps .
29 But I find it totally incomprehensible that someone who has held the office of Chancellor with high standing for over six years should want to resign over a personality with such suddenness and haste . ’
30 ‘ But I find it totally incomprehensible if someone has held the office of Chancellor with high standing for six years to want to resign over a personality — with such suddenness and haste . ’
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