Example sentences of "[to-vb] into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've come to find you ! ’ he cried , struggling back to his feet ; but the words seemed to blur into a shout that was almost meaningless .
2 John Cole , the Political Editor of the BBC , commented in February 1985 : ‘ To see the Prime Minister , arms akimbo or leaning far across the dispatch box to bellow into the microphone , is to recall a Belfast working-class politician … who boasted that his Ma could beat any woman in the street .
3 It is too easy to slip into a mood of depression at the outset of what promises to be a period of very significant change in education but , in relation to the concerns identified earlier , it would have to be said that the omens are not propitious .
4 His father believed that he had a good eye and could have played the game well if he was not liable to slip into a trance and forget that his attention was needed .
5 She was able to slip into a place in an adult society .
6 What can you say about a club which apparently could not afford to stay in hotel accommodation but had no problem finding 5,000 dollars to slip into a referee 's back pocket ?
7 Like so many in the New Zealand tour party , Fox has never experienced the intimidating atmosphere generated at the great sporting shrine and may have taken time to slip into the groove .
8 But I 'm also a perfectionist and I 'm a bit lazy so , with two small children , when things start to slip into the chaos zone , I just give up .
9 But I 'm sure that once she joins you in the pool she will find it easy enough to slip into the flow of things .
10 And just over the horizon is a host of commercial massively parallel processors : the jury is still out on whether machines from the likes of Kendall Square Research Inc will really be able to slip into the mantle discarded by the mainframe , but all the evidence suggests that they will .
11 Dulé was to slip into the sea , then , binding the container of burning pitch to his head with a deep cushioning of reeds in between to prevent him getting burned , he would swim to the ship , gouge a hole in the hull with his knife and , taking dry tinder from a companion swimming alongside him , light spills from the fire and pass them through the walls of the ship , then slip back under the cover of the mangroves and lie in wait for the panic .
12 Back at her place she offered him a large whisky and then said that she just had to slip into the bedroom to see to a few things .
13 I asked , remembering to slip into the Purvis jargon .
14 It is easy for us to slip into the assumption that the institutional , professional and curricular structures with which we are familiar are somehow natural or inevitable .
15 On his way home from college , he had managed to slip into the bookshop and grab a few quick words with Joe on the pretext of asking for a book , but the small , stout man could only tell him more or less what he already knew .
16 Since citizenship has become a fashionable and acceptable word , it is easy to slip into the habit of using it in preference to ‘ individual rights ’ or ‘ human rights ’ , but it is important to bear in mind the desirability of keeping the private sphere of the life of the individual separate from his role as citizen , an essentially political role and status .
17 She had decided it ought n't to be too difficult to slip into the stables and up the ladder first , but this time she did n't even reach the water pail .
18 Perhaps the Gaskells behaved like outsiders but the community was there , ready and open to them ; all they had to do was to slip into the place that was offered .
19 This way , with the connections all at the rear and the rack components connected to a mains distribution board within the rack housing , the patch cables ( of which there can be quite a few ) need never be touched , and a single mains cable is usually all that 's needed to plug into the wall and power the whole thing up .
20 Where , for instance , an independent power generator will be permitted by Directive to plug into the grid of any Member State ( something , as we have seen , not actually proposed by the Commission at present ) , it will be able to do so only with a safety clearance from the appropriate ‘ home ’ authority .
21 Some 300 companies have moved their headquarters from Osaka to Tokyo each year because they want to plug into the capital 's networks .
22 When sufficient thermal energy is present in the system the vibrations can cause a segment to jump into a hole by co-operative bond rotation and a series of such jumps will enable the complete polymer chain eventually to change its position .
23 BELOW It is a bad idea to encourage a dog to jump into a vehicle as shown here .
24 Dads had to jump into a lake from a rope-bridge just above the surface .
25 ‘ Why did n't you tell me you were going to jump into a refuse truck ? ’
26 For the next sequence , Crawford and the Suzuki had to jump into a pond ; a three-foot ramp was used this time .
27 The pirates began to jump into the hole , and to dig in the ground with their fingers .
28 Thus , there is some degree of selfdetermination in the ship case because we are free to shut our eyes , to cross the river and see it move from right to left , free to jump into the water and watch it coming towards us , free to determine the speed with which it passes across our visual field by moving our eyes with or against its movement .
29 The most exciting part was when we had to jump into the water from a 12ft high board .
30 It ensured lively lunchtimes for the railway workers , especially when Crawford had to jump into the river to rescue a member of the rival gang who had fallen in .
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