Example sentences of "[to-vb] its [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The theory only requires that the learner should be a kind of humanoid receptacle in a maximal state of receptivity so that the input can enter to work its mysterious way .
2 In contrast the Pacific , being so huge , and travelled across by aircraft that tend ( at least for now ) to fly principally between East and West and back again , manages to contain its major routes within a few distinct bands .
3 The difficulty is that every handful of weed that 's pulled out is likely to contain its fair share of aquatic creatures too .
4 Banbury Lane , now in part a main motor road , is the oldest of the roads on the map , though there is little about it today to indicate its great antiquity .
5 Though there is much evidence to indicate its increasing popularity as a news medium , radio 's impact on the popular press has yet to be taken into account when examining this period .
6 An ancient aphorism , ‘ Energy Follows Thought ’ , is most applicable to the understanding of the problem as well as the nature of those who have had the misfortune to suffer its terrible consequences .
7 The lizard loses fat stoned in the tail , and yet has to find the wherewithal to repair its wounded body and regenerate its tail .
8 Ireland was told to pull its equal pay socks up or else .
9 ICI shrugged off a decision by house broker Hoare Govett to pull its current year forecast back within the market average ( cutting from £1.04 billion to £900m pre-tax ) , the shares ending the session 9 higher at £12.58 .
10 Preservation is about to pull its biggest rabbit out of an amazingly copious hat .
11 Bishop Patrick Kelly wrote to the Foreign Secretary , Mr. Douglas Hurd , on 26 February , also urging the government to revive its former policy of actively promoting a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty .
12 Bishop Patrick Kelly wrote to the Foreign Secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , also urging the government to revive its former policy of actively promoting a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty .
13 The recent decision of the Russian government to revive its nuclear-energy programme indicates that the Soviet common joint energy grid , once the largest in the world , may help Russia to restore at least some economic control over its former empire .
14 But one person , however , is undaunted by the corporate blood that has been spilled over La Cinq : Silvio Berlusconi , the Italian media owner is now bidding for Britain 's Channel 5 after twice failing to revive its French namesake .
15 A project to revive its Eurochemic plant for reprocessing nuclear fuel , at Mol in the northeast of the country , has just obtained the senate 's approval .
16 A survey was conducted in five countries which were critical cases for the hypothesis : Britain and the United States of America as countries which had the most successful democratic states , Germany and Italy as countries that had experienced fascist regimes within twenty years , and Mexico as a less well-developed country struggling to establish its democratic process ( Almond and Verba 1963 ) .
17 We also bought Marioff Nortest at the beginning of this year , allowing the Group to establish its first operating base in Norway .
18 In early 1993 , the acquisition of Marioff Nortest was also concluded , allowing the Group to establish its first operating base in Norway .
19 When a patient is admitted the nurse should observe the skin to establish its normal colour and tone and identify any problem areas .
20 That the court is entitled to establish its own classification system has been seen already .
21 The failure to arrive at an agreement sufficiently alarmed the District to establish its own sub-committee to examine the District 's future relationships with the Cambridge Board and LEAs in the region .
22 One is General Magic , an alliance of Apple , AT&T , Matsushita , Motorola , Philips and Sony , which aims to establish its own software standard for PDAs and a family of related devices , ranging from PCs to multimedia machines .
23 RF officials were also worried by moves in Yakutia , where Russia 's major diamond producing region lay , to establish its own diamond business , bypassing central government .
24 ( It was reported in late April that the West German government had agreed to establish its own space agency , the Agency for Space Travel Affairs , with initial funding of $18,800,000 , to develop a reusable air-launched space shuttle . )
25 In addition , the LEA was beginning to establish its own network of evening institutes at secondary schools and J. K. Revans , the Assistant Director for Education , wished to learn how the proposals for the rural areas scheme were to operate in the county .
26 That acquisition could have scuppered the whole effort , given AT&T 's long-standing efforts to establish its own Tuxedo as the de-facto standard for Unix TP .
27 Castro 's material aid to groups embracing guerrilla warfare was effectively halted after the death of Che Guevara in 1967 , polemic with the Soviet Union died down , and in the early 1970s Havana launched a successful diplomatic initiative to establish its own ties with Latin American governments .
28 At one time the Institute had intended to establish its own college for training , and this was still essential .
29 A history which limits ‘ progress ’ to the sphere of a certain conceptualization of individuality can only see the collective associations of conventions and repetitions as regressive ; they represent the manipulative mould of mass society , together with a pseudo-archaism which that society uses to establish its historical credentials .
30 It will take sometime for the Siporax to establish its dual occupancy of bacteria — that is , aerobic ( oxygen-loving ) in the outer layers of each sintered glass cylinder , and anaerobic ( oxygen-hating ) towards the core .
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