Example sentences of "[to-vb] up [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That Bukharin was preparing for a struggle with Stalin at this point can not be doubted and he was attempting to drum up international support among other parties of the Comintern .
2 In any other sphere of life , when the demand for your product collapses for reasons entirely beyond your control , you do n't try to drum up new custom , you wind the business down and go into something more profitable ’ ‘ But there is a disturbing feeling about that something irreversible may be happening in the world and it is not to Britain 's advantage .
3 There are some cracking discount deals around at the moment as lenders attempt to drum up new business , but watch out as the headline interest rate does n't always tell the whole story .
4 England will play two friendlies in Sardinia , when they will hope to drum up local support , before their final warm-up against Tunisia on June 2 .
5 I shall raise the issue with my hon. Friend the Member for Wiltshire , North ( Mr. Needham ) , who is currently trying to drum up inward investment into Northern Ireland from north America .
6 Thus the company is uniquely placed to sum up current interest in alternative fuels for diesel and petrol engines .
7 ‘ Documenta ’ is not even an attempt to sum up contemporary art , but is an expression of very personal viewpoints .
8 At the same time students will be preparing under supervision the results of their field research for presentation as a dissertation and will be attending classes on how to write up anthropological research .
9 And when he tried transparent tricks to pull up vital business buried at the end of the list , he found himself making a number of enemies in the group .
10 We suggest your readership would be better served by some honest and balanced reporting of real issues instead of trying to conjure up imaginary conflict to act as a smokescreen for what is really happening in Wear Valley under the present Liberal administration .
11 Or they may learn that their undue pessimism has caused them to pass up attractive market opportunities .
12 Are there any exercises I can do to tighten up facial skin and muscles ?
13 To lock up young car thieves is another example of bolting the stable door after the horse has fled .
14 To clean up dirty land efficiently and cheaply will need , above all , pragmatism and moderation .
15 Measures introduced since the 1970s to clean up industrial pollution have reduced levels of aerial deposits of sulphur — a trace element which plants need to grow — to such an extent that crop yields and quality are becoming affected , according to a British scientist .
16 He may seek to clean up military malpractice at the lower levels of command , while not jolting the top too much .
17 Interpretation of the passage is thereby facilitated and one can use it selectively to pick up additional information to extend the schema — that the reaction referred to is known as saponification , for example .
18 Smith , a TA corporal in 10 Para and Rennie , a TA sergeant in 15 Para , then returned to Camp Three to pick up extra rope and equipment to push the route further at the next opportunity .
19 We tested the Super Dustbuster ( HC431 ) , which is easy to handle , has an additional power boost , and is designed specifically to clean up after jobs such as wood planing and sanding , as well as being able to pick up broken glass or small nails .
20 In a last bid for survival the programme had more recently tried to pick up social realism , taking on subjects such as bisexuality , suicide and abortion in a Catholic family .
21 In addition , the group developed robotic equipment , using three-dimensional video monitors , that is sensitive enough to pick up single gold coins and to lift heavy beams .
22 The US will , however , be able to pick up thematic-mapper information with a ground station at White Sands , New Mexico , to which data will be routed via the US 's new tracking and data relay satellites .
23 Roosevelt telegraphed again that British insistence on traffic only between certain points was not realistic , and that the economic viability of services depended on being able to pick up intermediate traffic .
24 Using this approach , it is possible to pick up incipient warning signs as the company starts to decline well in advance of it crossing the solvency threshold , allowing much more time for action to be taken .
25 Most field men call at the office first thing in the morning to collect files , planning applications or other paperwork , and to pick up clean sample bottles or other equipment .
26 The model is failing to pick up important determinant characteristics .
27 A MEAN cabbie refused to pick up blind MP David Blunkett — because of his guide dog .
28 Place the sensor in the centre of the Helmholtz coils with one pickup winding aligned to pick up maximum flux .
29 He has been a staunch advocate of the open skies policy which has helped to open up regional aviation .
30 Scientists and engineers can apply for long term funding to open up new research directions
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