Example sentences of "[to-vb] so [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I am very reluctant to go so far when we — or rather you — could be so near a better resolution .
2 He was even prepared to go so far as to admit that monotony was the most comfortable way .
3 But one does not have to go so far as to support child benefit for the qualitative demographic effect it may or may not have .
4 But though none might be prepared to go so far as that , all British parties would quickly realize that apparent discrimination against women in their lists would do them a lot of harm .
5 However , contributors to the Review were largely unwilling to go so far as to attempt to specify the nature of artistic quality in general , despite the fact that their own capacity to decide which texts were of sufficient interest in themselves to justify study depended upon recognizing such quality .
6 Many congratulations and a warm welcome should be given to Dorling Kindersley , the first general publisher to recognise that there is ELT potential in its list and to go so far as to publish an ELT catalogue .
7 Indeed , even without having to go so far as the Commission of the European Communities did at the hearing in arguing that registration itself already constitutes a form of establishment , it must be observed that in any event registration is a precondition for taking up and pursuing activities in the fisheries sector .
8 You might , for instance have to alter the way the murder you had in mind is committed or you might have to go so far as to alter the motive of the murderer or even find a completely different person to commit the central action .
9 ‘ I would n't like to go so far as to predict anything for Sunday but you can be certain I am far more confident about the race now than I was .
10 ‘ I am not myself convinced that the Government will be so foolish as to go so far as to privatise water .
11 Retail demand is quite heavy and is likely to remain so even after the novelty value of the new car has worn off .
12 At Samarkand , masons were active building a grand terminus ( which was to remain so only until the railway was carried through to Tashkent in 1898 ) .
13 The function of a library service is to provide so far as resources allow , all books , periodicals , etc. , other than the trivial , in which its readers claim legitimate interest .
14 I only began to work so hard because it was a way of filling all those empty hours without you . ’
15 But now it seemed terrible that they should be able to talk so naturally while Dr. Lorrimer lay there dead upstairs .
16 You need to wee so perhaps when daddy goes up
17 He can continue to shoot so long as he keeps hitting , up to a maximum of 6 shots per turn .
18 For the investor , however , multiplicity creates opportunity , and the next Bookish Portfolio stands to prosper so long as the creative process is allowed to flower .
19 We shall not only survive but continue to grow so long as we give value for money , retain our record of innovation and flexibility , keep the confidence and goodwill of our clients and ensure that we have the best possible range of materials , methods and people in the industry .
20 ECOMOG officials , however , categorically denied Taylor 's claim that Ulimo had been able to advance so rapidly because it had received aid from countries contributing to the ECOMOG force .
21 Do not , however , suppose that I am quite idle , though happily for my health it is not requisite to apply so closely as formerly was the case .
22 In kung fu one should never allow a technique to extend so far as to be impracticable .
23 It was the duty of the ruling sultan , at least in principle , to extend so far as he could the area controlled by true believers at the expense of that ruled by Christian infidels .
24 They seem likely to continue to do so even after the reserve policy has been replaced by an interim policy of providing maintained protection for a list of specific products with the potential to compete with foreign products .
25 He had taken the money to pay off debts and had continued to do so even when bereaved relatives were desperate for cash to pay undertakers ' bills .
26 He had taken the money to pay off debts and had continued to do so even when bereaved relatives were desperate for cash to pay undertakers ' bills .
27 People might also resist change because of peer group pressure to do so even though , off the record , they may acknowledge the changes as beneficial .
28 Therefore the buyers were entitled to refuse to accept delivery because the sellers had committed a breach of condition ( i.e. of section 13 ) and the buyers were entitled to do so even if they would have suffered no loss by having the tins packed in cases of 24 instead of cases of 30 .
29 Similarly : ( 10 ) I only offered her legal advice will , under one natural interpretation , refer to advice on legal matters ; and it will continue to do so even if in some rare case it is given under circumstances that mean it is offered illegally itself , for example if it makes use of secret information stolen from a government which prohibits unauthorized possession or transmission of secret government information ; on the other hand , as a phrase of English , it can perfectly well bear the other interpretation under which it means advice which is itself legal , in the sense that it is legally given , in which case it may concern any subject under the sun .
30 Certainly one is not under an obligation to look after the child if one did not promise to do so just because it would have been a good thing to promise .
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