Example sentences of "[to-vb] so for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The precise circumstances of the birth of the Universe , perhaps some 15 billion years ago , are still a mystery — and are likely to remain so for many years .
2 Yet affairs which , perhaps , appeared to be progressing well enough were not to remain so for many more years .
3 ‘ The real singer of that name was indisposed , and was likely to remain so for some time .
4 ‘ Cider is a good area at the moment , ’ says co-author Philip Shaw , ‘ and is likely to remain so for some time .
5 It concluded that the Simonian concept of state medicine was far in advance of public opinion and was likely to remain so for some time to come .
6 With their creation , the institutional pattern is settled and seems likely to remain so for some years to come .
7 Gorbachev , finally , was able to visit Peking in May 1989 , the first Soviet leader to do so for thirty years .
8 It is difficult within organisational constraints for social workers to find the time to do marital work and it is even harder to find time to do so for elderly couples .
9 Theorists feel compelled to do so for two reasons .
10 An attempt to reconstruct the history of the Civil War on the basis of the distribution of coin hoards would be very misleading , and we must guard against the temptation to do so for other , less well documented periods .
11 Contracting out by local authorities has increased under the Conservative government — partly voluntarily and partly as a response to changes in the law requiring them to do so for certain activities .
12 After her first five years apprenticeship she became involved with transport and it was here that she was destined to make her mark and has continued to do so for 37 years .
13 Was it simply that he wished to remain in Istanbul , and , if so , did he wish to do so for professional or for personal reasons ?
14 It is true these bright galleons do sail on the high streets of Wembley on Saturday afternoons , and some will continue to do so for many years to come — but not all .
15 So , prolonged unemployment for the principal breadwinners and their offspring is thrusting more and more families into poverty and threatens to do so for many years to come .
16 My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has done extremely well and will continue to do so for many years to come .
17 A HINT of Liverpool 's long lost glamour as Britain 's premier passenger port will return this autumn when a Ukrainian liner will operate several cruises from the Mersey — the first cruise ship to do so for 16 years .
18 On Oct. 2 the US aircraft carrier Independence entered the Gulf , the first to do so for 16 years , in a move placing its aircraft within range of Kuwait and Iraq without refuelling .
19 Adrian Nastase visited Japan on Aug. 4 , the first Romanian Foreign Minister to do so for 16 years .
20 Hobhouse began keeping a diary during his round-the-world honeymoon in 1893 and continued to do so for five years .
21 He points a finger at my unspeakable carpet , which had escaped mention for many chapters and would continue to do so for those remaining .
22 These findings are also in line with figures produced by the Justices ' Clerks ' Society ( 1992 ) which we cited earlier , suggesting that for a given range of offence types , Crown Courts are very much more likely to resort to custody than magistrates courts , and to do so for longer .
23 When he died in 1800 , Mrs. Smith took over her husband 's duties and continued to do so for several years , to the satisfaction of the directors .
24 Among the first to do so for this purpose was Adelard of Bath ( fl 1116–42 ) .
25 We shall do our best , of course , to hold the Residency against them , but the chances are that we are now too few to be able to do so For this reason all the wounded , the ladies , and the children must be taken to the banqueting hall tonight , together with water , powder , cloth , and indeed every single object that might come to our assistance .
26 However many employers do not comply with these legal duties unless they are pressed to do so for this reason the recommendations in section five of the report are aimed at giving support to safety representatives and full-time officials to improve workplace activity .
27 Posterity stretches ahead without limit whereas disc and tape manufacturers , when they are prepared to commit at all , are reluctant to do so for more than a few years .
28 He had been under pressure from Edward III to do so for some time , but he seems also to have feared that Charles V 's forces , which were advancing into the duchy , might revive the rivalries of the civil war period .
29 They use it for official purposes and are likely to continue to do so for some considerable while .
30 We have the distinct feeling that W&M had no intention of relaunching its bid yesterday and may not be about to do so for some time , which begs the question : what 's the strategy ?
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