Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [adj -er] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Cutting the mids helped knock out the troublesome frequencies , but the sound did suffer , since it 's often the mid frequencies that you need to increase at higher volumes to prevent that harsh , trebly electro-acoustic sound .
2 In addition , companies would not be required to join trade associations but would be free to do so if they wished ; members would be bonded to the management of the fund for a prescribed percentage of turnover on non-ATOL packages ; and they would also be able to bond at lower levels than those bonded to other bodies .
3 The majority , however , were adamantly opposed to anything which weakened their absolute control over their crews and were prepared to take any action which would ensure that this was upheld , the most effective method being the recruitment of non-union crews which were prepared to sail at lower rates and under worse conditions than union men .
4 A major cause of the delays was the decision to widen the project from an investigation of the effect of large breaks in the pressurised water-cooling system around the reactor core to look at wider problems of severe damage to the fuel .
5 ‘ We still trade from there , but in order to thrive we have had to look at better ways of selling . ’
6 We need to build further on the ideas we have covered so far , to look at longer stretches of discourse , to form a picture of discourses in totalities rather than in extracts .
7 If the subject-matter is sequential , the teacher must ask himself whether it is essential that step A is known to have been mastered before the beginning of step B , and what is the essential minimum ; he will then go on to decide how the achievement of that minimum can be tested , what can be done for those who do not reach it , and whether the material is such that comprehension or insight might be expected to dawn at later stages after more exposure to the subject field .
8 For example , if a researcher wants to investigate the factors that influence pupils when they are choosing the subjects they wish to study at higher levels of education , then group discussions with , for example , fourteen-year-old pupils in almost any secondary school would give some ideas about what questions to include in a questionnaire .
9 Furthermore most workers are understretched for much of their working lives and have spare capacity on which to call at later ages .
10 It dates from the latter half of the nineteenth century when improvements in local passenger transport allowed people to reside at greater distances from their workplaces .
11 The addition of salbutamol caused a roughly parallel fall in plasma potassium concentration and increase in heart rate , tremor amplitude , and QTc interval confirming a largely additive effect ; the dose response curves for salbutamol seemed to converge at higher doses .
12 He argues that the low sea level of the first glaciation would enable the sea to act at greater depths and scour much of the mud , which is inimical to corals , from the banks and their edges .
13 In section 3.3.2 we saw that with a fixed monetary base banks could increase their lending only if they were prepared to operate at lower ratios of base : deposits .
14 If the motor is to operate at higher speeds the static torque/rotor position characteristics are no longer a reliable guide , because they do not account for distortion of the current waveform due to the winding time constant and motional voltage .
15 Alternatively , a decision to produce at lower levels may , with accounting pressure , be accompanied by release of capacity for other purposes .
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