Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I first started to write at school and I 'd charge a few pence for each story — you should have seen what I was writing for the girls .
2 The toilet was er at the back of what we used to call the brew house it was n't a kitchen it was a brew house , and er the , the toilet was at the back of the brew house adjacent to the old ash pit , which was an ash pit in those days it was filled up and when it was filled , they used to come at night and empty the ash pit wheel up the entry it might be there for three or four months and you got flies , bluebottles all sorts in the hot weather you know , I could n't try my shoes on sometimes , but er it was a bit , well I suppose in those days they used to take it for granted , it was a bit primitive it was n't the best five houses in the area , but er
3 Some of us have to work at night and sleep during the day .
4 Roberts ' student days coincided with the depression and to finance his studies he had to work at night and on Saturdays in a bakery store .
5 From that time until Henry 's death he printed all statutes and proclamations with exemplary skill and efficiency , on at least one occasion being required to work at night and set the type himself ( Letters & Papers Henry VIII , 7 , no. 1415 ) .
6 We all need to work at forgiveness and acceptance right into our dotage .
7 Living rooms that also have to act as office or work room by day ( and more and more people elect to work at home if they can these days ) can still perform both functions with comparative case .
8 Many Religious belong to international congregations and can be asked to work at home or abroad .
9 ‘ Teleworking is the use of modern computer technology to allow people to work at home or at a local telecentre .
10 The bigger the event , the harder you will have to work at crowd-pulling and the earlier you will have to start to build up the interest .
11 One of the most important Chinese ceramics to appear at auction and of Ming Imperial Porcelain , it should sell for more than $2.5 million ( £1,633,000 ) .
12 Why was it that British industrialists took advantage of rising labour productivity to reduce their labour force , rather than to develop new forms of production using more sophisticated techniques and making improved products to sell at home and abroad ?
13 As earn outs are based on future performance and are only payable in the future , they enable the purchaser to agree to a price it may not be able to afford at completion and which it will not be obliged to pay unless profits are generated .
14 The buyer 's ideal position is to buy at run-of-week or run-of paper rates , but to have sufficient ‘ pull ’ either through the size of the budget or the closeness of the relationship with the media sales agent concerned to achieve good times and positions regardless .
15 Yes but the , Julie said , and she 's right of course , you ca n't have the erm strength of drugs to , to , to administer at home because obviously
16 This gives him the chance to escape at night while The Count of Monte Cristo is on the radio .
17 29 Chilterns Project walk across the Amersham Estate to look at tree and woodland conservation .
18 It is a good idea to establish a habit of visiting these centres regularly after school to look at software and discuss applications and practice with others .
19 Timothy turned to look at Topaz and became strangely silent .
20 Journalists who may be minded to look at court or police records should bear in mind that an official persuaded to show them a spent conviction is liable to a fine , and if they make their persuasion more persuasive by a bribe , or obtain access to the record dishonestly , they themselves are liable to imprisonment for up to six months .
21 We shall examine these ideas in more detail when we come to look at motivation and morale within organisations .
22 Before going on to look at re-entry and back to nursing courses in detail I would like to consider alternative routes of re-entry available to you first .
23 Only this week , Lord Chief Justice Taylor been commenting on the need to look at sentencing and I think this case highlights that need is very , very urgent indeed .
24 Professional models are trained to look at ease and to be able to produce spontaneous-looking smiles and expressions to order .
25 She said local library and the local library could be run by the regional council , it could be run by the district council because although you work part-time you 've got to look at pension if you 've got other income er to use the revenue maximum .
26 But we can see the horror now , we only need to look at television and Yugoslavia .
27 A lot of people tend to look at assertion as being aggressive there 's a total difference .
28 Beyond this , it may be necessary to look at family and other causative factors of which the child may be unconscious .
29 The reason that this has been brought on , the reason that this er er agenda item brought to housing committee was basically er because it was there and er it 's I think it 's repulsive to bring forward to housing committee any er government regulations or we need to look at debating and er and that 's basically the reason .
30 Now I make enough money to pay others to help at home and queue for me .
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