Example sentences of "[to-vb] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If we are to compete effectively in world markets and to communicate on equal terms with our European partners we need to increase substantially the numbers of young people leaving school with a good grounding in at least one foreign language .
2 Only as the client is thoroughly involved and comes to accept on deepening levels the process of change can our methods be effective in relation to our goals ( Bernstein , 1960 , p. 8 ) .
3 Certainly he trained at Bologna and was a doctor of civil law by c .1270 , when he was invited to lecture on civil law for a year by the city of Modena in northern Italy .
4 Through her efforts a mission hall was built , where she started to lecture on moral purity .
5 ‘ But all politicians we invite are asked to lecture on historical topics , giving totally fresh and unique outlooks on the issues addressed .
6 Outmoded this view might be , but most of us would still prefer to try on new clothes , wax hair off our legs , perform our ablutions or put on make-up in private .
7 US President George Bush had announced on Aug. 11 that he had recommended that the US Treasury should provide guarantees to allow Israel to obtain on favourable terms credits worth US$10,000 million from private banks .
8 This may have partly contributed to the next important influence which has been brought to bear on hearing children read — the move towards parental involvement .
9 The Research Group has identified more than 130 academic staff across almost all Faculties whose current research extends to a greater or lesser degree to environmental issues ; and many more have expertise which could be brought to bear on environmental problems .
10 The Regional Sports Councils ' resources consist of MONEY ( through regional participation grants for specific projects ) , INFLUENCE ( brought to bear on other agencies ) and TIME ( in terms of sports council personnel ) .
11 Psychiatrists , psychologists , social workers , occupational therapists and psychiatric nurses all have a valuable role , and different educational backgrounds and training experiences bring a variety of perspectives to bear on mental health problems .
12 At this stage , therefore , we shall say nothing about the range of theories which can be brought to bear on international relations , if one believes in working from the inside in pursuit of understanding .
13 In addition , the edges at one level can bring both left and right contextual information to bear on different interpretations of lower-level information .
14 They should seek to organise the maximum number of people at local level to bring pressure to bear on local authorities , on Stormont , but particularly on Westminster .
15 ‘ With his business training and keen sense of duty , he makes an admirable country gentleman ; on all Boards , on all Committees , on all Councils , in politics , and generally in affairs , he is to be counted on and depended upon ; he brings an admirable sense of rectitude and a very kindly heart to bear on public business .
16 This aims to bring the reflections of literary and cultural historians to bear on photographic portraits and how they are ‘ read ’ historically in the context of their production , potential viewers and currently fashionable theories .
17 As a first step to bringing democratic pressure to bear on foreign policy he advocated the establishment of a select committee of MPs to shadow the operations of the Foreign Office .
18 You 've got to concentrate on financial control , on your customer and on your people .
19 The sad fact is that the vast majority are failing to realise their evangelistic potential , preferring to concentrate on spiritual nurture of the existing group members .
20 It also recommends that excavations be coordinated at a national level , albeit at the same time as more powers are devolved to the regions , this decentralisation freeing the CSRS of its administrative and financial role and giving it the freedom to concentrate on scholarly matters , with — and this is a novelty — systematic recourse to the advice of outside experts .
21 Perhaps the key way to establish a connection between the concerns of conventional Marxist urban and regional sociology and the concepts outlined in Chapters 1 and 2 is to concentrate on typical forms of social mobility ; the ways in which they relate to spatial mobility and moral careers .
22 In its first rôle , it has tended to concentrate on low-technology businesses which are managed with a close eye on reducing costs and generating cash .
23 For this reason , the agreement concluded between the museum , the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs and the Union Française des Arts du Costume , expresses the desire of all parties to concentrate on thematic exhibitions , in order to avoid pressures from manufacturers and designers .
24 Affiliative links between larger firms enhances the procurement of materials and smooths their pattern of marketing while inter-group stockholding prevents unwanted takeover bids and allows management to concentrate on long-term performance rather than short-term profits distributed to stockholders .
25 Affiliative links between larger firms enhances the procurement of materials and smooths their pattern of marketing while inter-group stockholding prevents unwanted takeover bids and allows management to concentrate on long-term performance rather than short-term profits distributed to stockholders .
26 Unfortunately , most bureaucracies tend to concentrate on small details , sacrificing the overall picture .
27 To concentrate on new legislation or the statutory repealing of the old is , however , to miss the point .
28 Aleksandr Shokhin was relieved of his post as Employment Minister on June 14 , in order to concentrate on new responsibilities for foreign economic relations .
29 At Tübingen , Wasmuth also continues to concentrate on international architecture and design , past and present .
30 Now because of this initial asymmetry between the sexes and the size of the sex cells , the tendency is for females to concentrate on parental investment and males to concentrate on mating success .
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