Example sentences of "[to-vb] with the case " in BNC.

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1 A charge of assaulting the boy 's mother was dropped after she refused to proceed with the case .
2 Many oranges , apparently sound , are thrown out on the quay and if everyone taking one or two of these oranges was arrested for theft , one Police Court would not be enough to deal with the cases
3 They were contracted in by Orkney Islands Council to deal with the cases .
4 It needs elaboration , for instance , to deal with the case in which the response strategy learned in the first stage does not accord with the behaviour required in the second .
5 But the magistrates at Thame , Oxfordshire , refused to deal with the case in his absence .
6 Trespass was obviously unsuitable to deal with the case where the owner had voluntarily put his goods into another 's possession and the other refused to re-deliver them , but this situation was covered by the remedy of detinue .
7 She submitted there was no other appropriate or fair way for the Secretary of State to deal with the case other than to allow Doherty at least an oral hearing or written representation .
8 Geographical separation between those solicitors and staff continuing to deal with the case and those who have previously been involved on the other side is recommended and it will be essential to extract appropriate undertakings from all such personnel .
9 However , when the trial judge came to deal with the case against the second appellant , the trial judge directed the jury that it would be open to them to interpret alleged statements by the second appellant as a confession by him that he was one of a group who assaulted the deceased , and that accordingly he would be responsible for everything done by every other member of the group that he knew was being done or was likely to be done .
10 The government says it had nothing to do with the case .
11 Parents may jump to the conclusion that the fact of being adopted is the root of the trouble when that has nothing to do with the case .
12 Hilary , who is single , said yesterday : ‘ My leaving British Gas has nothing to do with the case .
13 ‘ As to whether the payment was voluntary , that has in truth nothing to do with the case .
14 ‘ As to whether the payment was voluntary , that has in truth nothing to do with the case .
15 They probably have n't anything at all to do with the case .
16 What did this man Tunney — I knew Tunney was a man — have to do with the case ?
17 There was the unexplained presence of a nineteenth-century journal in Matthew 's safe : nothing to do with the case .
18 He had nothing to do with the case , and in the cold light of day she was rather ashamed of her unexpected fascination with him .
19 Pietro had finally agreed to Zen 's presence , on condition that there was no contact until the pay-off actually began , so during the intervening forty-eight hours he had had nothing to do with the case beyond having the ransom money photographed to record the serial numbers and finalizing the arrangements for collecting Ruggiero when he was released .
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