Example sentences of "[to-vb] with the [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 How would you like to help with the younger children ? ’
2 While volunteers could be relied upon to make life as comfortable for them as possible , there 's concern about whether the professional agencies are geared up to help with the deeper anxieties .
3 Er on a slightly bigger scale entertainment again as we 're only a small college , we do tend to liaise with the bigger education establishment in the city , I E Birmingham University , Central England University formerly Birmingham Polytechnic and Aston University .
4 If one male was defending a better territory than another male , the female might be selected to mate with the better male .
5 The rest of the car will also stand up to hard use as well , and diesel cars tend to have bigger batteries and more powerful electrical systems to cope with the greater demands of starting .
6 The suspension , springs and dampers have to be robust to cope with the greater weight of the diesel engine , which can be up to 250lb , and the greater mileage that a diesel might be expected to cover .
7 Much of their propaganda was produced in a popular idiom , such as poems and broadsides , clearly designed for people who might lack the sophistication to cope with the lengthier , more intellectual justifications of Jacobitism .
8 They probably had very effective digestive systems with detoxifying enzymes to cope with the tougher diets .
9 He would n't have been able to cope with the larger trunks .
10 A fish and chip shop owner called me in to deal with the lower half of a long-skirted ancestor which often glided through her kitchen .
11 Any guitar synth is difficult to sum up , because you inevitably have to deal with the wider question of guitar-based synthesis in doing so .
12 Another ‘ scholarship girl ’ was shamefully treated by the rest of us because of her ( very slight ) Cockney accent , her generally ‘ non-U ’ turns of phrase , and her inability to deal with the simpler points of etiquette , whether at table or in the classroom .
13 While the main purpose of this article is to deal with the larger of the Cichlasoma species , advice on the basics of establishing a cichlid community can be applied to any of the species , even the smallest ones .
14 Privatization of this sort has less to do with increased public choice by individual consumers and more to do with the cheaper provision of a standard service .
15 Perceptual skills by contrast are developments to do with the greater selectivity of information needed to monitor situations and guide actions .
16 Some arose from the difficulties of practical implementation , others had to do with the longer term history of state involvement in sexuality .
17 The school was aware of this and specifically created a post of responsibility for the brighter child and gave this to a senior member of the staff , and that member of the staff was responsible for looking at the effects of mixed ability teaching on specifically identified brighter pupils , and I do n't think the school would say that erm they totally solve the problem of what to do with the brighter children , but I think it 's a problem which exists even in streamed classes because the sort of pupil we 're talking about are pupils who are exceptional in their own right .
18 The school was aware of this and specifically created a post of responsibility for the brighter child and gave this to a senior member of the staff , and that member of the staff was responsible for looking at the effects of mixed ability teaching on specifically identified brighter pupils , and I do n't think the school would say that they totally solved the problem of what to do with the brighter child , but I think it 's a problem which exists even in streamed classes , because the sort of pupils we 're talking about are pupils who are exceptions in their own right — we 're not talking about whole groups of pupils who previously have been in top streams , we 're talking about half a dozen/ten individuals in any one year group and they are equally as difficult to deal with in a streamed situation .
19 Many dealers , realizing they need to offer the best possible service to their customers to compete with the bigger mail-order firms and direct sellers , are also keen to offer good standards of back-up and support .
20 Dynasty , a giant Canadian Hereford weighing over a ton was imported to sire larger bulls to compete with the heavier continental breeds .
21 Ordinarily this heated water rises to mix with the cooler water and the heat rapidly dissipates to the atmosphere .
22 The speaker 's sectional interests , as a businessman , are seen to coincide with the wider interests of everybody else .
23 Elite theorists rarely construct their own analysis of input processes from a blank canvas ; rather , they set up a pluralist ( or Marxist ) story , frequently a straw man , which they proceed to contrast with the darker side of liberal democratic politics ( and the impossibility of seriously reforming it ) .
24 I was allowed up to chatter with the older men about the good old days on Le Manche , when my grandfather had not only held serious philosophical and religious conversation with les pecheures over his loud hailer , but had also been in to Boulogne harbour as thanksgiving for a market or two in Hastings at needy times .
25 Julie was a rich kid who loved to associate with the tougher , more daring local boys .
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