Example sentences of "[to-vb] with the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I have initiated him into the ‘ Secret Doctrine ’ , opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers .
2 Indeed it is his duty , and his duty alone , to communicate with the departments of the government on all matters affecting the policy of the council .
3 Ariel began to communicate with the strangers in English ; she told Kit about the hot springs up the mountain , hoping he would let her go there .
4 If an organisation like a local authority does not have clear and effective channels of internal communication , then how will it manage to communicate with the communities it serves when , through the white-collar CCT process , it speaks with many more voices than at present ?
5 Pickets were unable to communicate with the strike-breakers as they were whisked by — peaceful persuasion was not possible .
6 The " hermetic character of the language and of the script " , as Claire Preaux called it ( Chron. d'Egypte 35 ( 1943 ) , 151 ) , made the Egyptian-speaking priest — not to mention the peasant — singularly unable to communicate with the Greeks .
7 The harbour was crammed with the great prahus which we had come so far for , but our attempts to communicate with the captains and crewmen were discouraging .
8 As the Doctor continued his efforts to communicate with the slaves , Blake noticed the Galks talking to the Cun .
9 The authorities also claimed that an ( unnamed ) foreign state had helped opposition members in exile to communicate with the conspirators , who had planned to seize Khartoum state and the principal towns of Eastern state .
10 The Board instructed their clerk to communicate with the governors of the infirmary on the matter , and in his reply a week later , the house surgeon there ( who acted as hospital secretary ) said that he had thought the case capable of being treated as an out-patient .
11 Keith , 48 , right , is to tour with the Winos to promote their album , Main Offender .
12 But we do ourselves no service if we neglect to ask fundamental , difficult questions about our understanding of some of the key issues , processes and terms involved ; if we ignore contradictions in our underlying discourses ; if we fail to grapple with the limitations of our assumptions about pedagogy and how subjects and subjectivities are formed ; and if we fail to notice how economic , political and cultural differentiations are undermining older fixities around the ethnic , class and political identities of the minority communities .
13 Nonetheless , just as computer scientists have had to solve the problem of mapping abstract functional languages onto unyielding and unhelpful hardware , so also will the EP community have to grapple with the difficulties of ‘ link-editing ’ and presenting suitable subsets of some highly abstract hypertext on conventional devices ( including plain paper ! ) .
14 WHILE the rest of the country is still trying to grapple with the effects of the recession , Las Vegas , the desert oasis created by gambling , continues to boom and prosper in much the same way as it has always done .
15 Trade union education has , for the most part , barely started to grapple with the implications of the growing importance of public-sector trade unionism : in 1972 , for example , 6.6 per cent of all TUC membership belonged to NUPE or NALGO alone ; by 1982 , the equivalent figure was 14.1 per cent .
16 Everything about it has helped me to grapple with the intricacies of machine knitting in this , my second year .
17 I did n't get much opportunity to talk to for any length of time but she managed to arrange to meet with the others with young babies and we planned to get together again later that week .
18 The director-general of the French Foreign Ministry , François Scheer , subsequently visited Beirut to meet with the leaders of the various factions .
19 It 's a privilege to meet with the students as they seek God 's direction for the future .
20 He stated that , because matters relating to the issue in question were sub judice , it would be very difficult to meet with the Parents ' Committee .
21 The third reason why we 're , we 're pleased to see you here is that erm as a trades council , we 've and this er and Dick mentioned this in his introduction , we 've initiated a major international programme , major in terms of our size obviously as er as a local body , involving links between union activists here primarily in France er , in northern France , but also links now developing in Spain with the new ferry going between Portsmouth and Bilbao , we 're starting to meet with the unions in Spain who are interested in speaking about the , the , the differences in wages in terms and conditions working for the same ferry company , doing the same jobs in the port , a comparative look at how the , the wages terms and conditions differ and we want to , we want to go and visit them in the autumn and , and work out , and work on more links on a sector basis , so that our colleagues down in Bilbao in northern Spain can link up with people in the , in the , in similar sectors here and we 've done this over the last three and a half years with the unions in France , we 've had exchanges of all sectors , the public sectors , transport , erm , health , social services , shop workers .
22 The Fijian traditional communal system of livelihood has a tendency to restrict initiative for commercial expansion and development so that there is a need to modify commercial values to meet with the demands of modern commercialism , This , in a nutshell , is what the Yalavou project sets out 10 do .
23 Does he agree that it would be an act of the most amazing folly to tamper with the provisions that currently apply , and yet that is exactly what the Opposition are committed to doing if they win the general election ?
24 I do n't think you wish us to tamper with the microphones at all do you ?
25 The men and women were on their knees , begging the agents and constables not to persist with the evictions .
26 ‘ But if he had wanted to disappear with the diamonds , ’ she persisted , ‘ we 'd still be looking for him now . ’
27 An issue that typically divides them — and caused the largest opposition group , the Democratic Party , to split at its congress last month — is whether to compromise with the Communists or to work for their complete removal .
28 Edward for his part had to accommodate himself to political and financial realities , and was prepared to compromise with the commons in return for taxes , though he would not give way on the fundamental issue of the right to choose his own councillors .
29 ‘ I 've been fortunate enough to work with the likes of Joe Mercer and Jack Charlton and I know my place in a football club .
30 Mrs has got to work with the times has n't she ?
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