Example sentences of "[to-vb] he [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Karadzic , apparently encouraged by the new international policy announced in Washington , not only invited Bosnian Muslim and Croat leaders to meet him to discuss a settlement but he also challenged the Muslims to a soccer match .
2 He tended to come behind the bit , so I wanted a fixed bit to encourage him to take a contact rather than a loose ring one .
3 A risk-averse individual would only be indifferent between transacting on the forward market and transacting on the future spot market if the terms he expects on the uncertain future spot market were sufficiently more favourable than the forward market to encourage him to take the risk .
4 Her eyes fluttered open , only to find him screwing the cap to the bottle .
5 I was appalled to find him investing a portion of our diminutive budget in some sixty bowls .
6 It would have seemed strange to those who had known Nigel in his early days as a conscientious objector to find him cheering the prime minister through the Falklands War .
7 She opened the door and was surprised to find him holding the jodhpurs she had worn during her first ride .
8 We have become so used to thinking of Günter Wand as a conductor who specialises exclusively in the late 18th and 19th Century symphonic repertoire that it comes as something of a shock to find him performing a wide variety of works of more contemporary lineage .
9 A meeting at Bristol Guildhall on 17 November was called to congratulate the king on his escape , but attracted as well a large group who wished to implore him to end the war .
10 Bratby was intrigued by Minton and soon after he got to know him painted a huge picture on paper , entitled ‘ Homage to John Minton ’ .
11 ‘ And he still refuses to accept he has a problem ? ’
12 , who had felt perfectly well , was astonished to discover he had the early stages of tuberculosis .
13 So somehow it was reassuring to find he had a sore throat when I saw him last Thursday .
14 He was going to find he had an enormously difficult job on his hands .
15 After this episode I stopped telephoning him , only to find he enjoyed the game so much that he began calling me . "
16 In Fearless Frank , Phil Kaufman 's first solo feature , Voight played a country bumpkin who comes to Chicago , gets shot by mobsters , and wakes up to find he has the powers of a superman .
17 In his letter asking Theo to come he mentioned a novel of Dickens , Hard Times , as one which had particularly impressed him .
18 In an attempt to compensate he forced a smile .
19 To live with Iago as a reader , or in the theatre , is bad enough ; to create him shows an ability to conceive evil that almost strikes us as perverse and unnatural .
20 If Wigan youngster Grindley can produce one impressive lap of the Olympic Stadium in the Golden Gala meeting , selectors seem likely to pick him to run the event in the same arena in a fortnight 's time .
21 Notes in Winston Churchill 's files suggested that Britain 's options were either to send a " correct " reply to the South , commiserating with him in declining to advise him , or to encourage him along the American line , or to urge him to undertake an all-out campaign against Mossadeq .
22 These could , probably more easily in early , rather than in later man , have been powerful enough to cause him to seek a substitute for his natural father or mother when they were no longer available to him , and he was in need .
23 When he again came to visit he found a very different situation , with the starving Buttery spirit stretching out in vain for the wholesome food on the larder shelves .
24 It was hard to imagine him having a casual chat with anyone , let alone a more intimate relationship .
25 Paddy Cosgrove , his likely replacement , is a council hack of 21 years standing and ideal backbench fodder , though it is hard to imagine him leading a crusade for Meadowell .
26 If we are dealing with a regression to what may be a former lifetime , then , having asked the patient to go back to a period with which his subconscious mind feels comfortable , I like to help him to create the picture of his former personality little by little .
27 He may not be able to call upon the driver who took over the car to support his defence and to help him discharge the balance of probabilities in his favour , because that driver would not want to expose himself to the criminal charges of aggravated car theft .
28 The fertile play of dialogue in these novels , often predominating on the printed page , is a constant stream of signals flashed to the reader to help him estimate the age , the mood , and the standing — real or pretended — of their characters from instant to instant .
29 Cos I thought that was a with a utmost difficulty and he has to get his little daughter on Sunday to help him to clean the place .
30 He wants residents to help him gather a mountain of cans , aluminium or tin , to be recycled on May 6 .
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