Example sentences of "[to-vb] for [art] more " in BNC.

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1 It would have to wait for a more opportune time , she decided , and replaced the receiver .
2 She went out , leaving Peter Suvarov to wait for a more rational assessment of Julia 's state from Annunziata .
3 Now we need to go for a more direct experience , feed in the kind of energy you get at raves , for example .
4 And indeed , to go for a more precise figure would suggest that I was making a particular point .
5 The ineffectiveness of prosecution , or the threat of prosecution , to deter large stores from Sunday opening has caused local authorities , who are charged with the enforcement of section 47 , to search for a more effective remedy , and as a result they have resorted to seeking injunctions to restrain stores from infringing the section .
6 We rededicate and commit ourselves to the highest standards in communication as we endeavour to work for a more just , viable and sustainable society now , and in the future .
7 Criticisms made of it are here being required to stand for a more general critique .
8 Miliutin pointed out that if 125,000 men were enlisted annually but required to serve for no more than seven or eight years , in seven years the country would possess a trained reserve of 750,000 men .
9 But he so impressed bosses they asked him to apply for the more senior post of general marketing director .
10 Much the same range of locations seems to prevail for the more romanized forms of housing .
11 Those perceived to be ‘ university material ’ were directed to high status choices , academic subjects , and those not seen as having the potential for higher education , despite having the same raw marks , were encouraged to opt for a more ‘ realistic ’ course .
12 Classic lighting is ideal for creating atmosphere in traditional-style bedrooms , although if you often read in bed you may need to opt for a more practical design
13 However , Bliss was hostile to complete analysis , preferring to opt for a more detailed enumeration of subjects .
14 A women 's media group has been set up in Delhi , India , to lobby for a more balanced national media policy and to raise public awareness concerning the portrayal of women in the media .
15 This is one way in which the stark anti-democratic arguments of Pareto are modified to allow for a more consensual perspective .
16 A balance is required between representative and participatory democracy to allow for a more active citizenship .
17 But the RYA was always more likely to plump for a more conventional design and building set-up , and four boats at Rutland Water looked to be in the frame .
18 The DUP and Vanguard had intended to boycott the local elections , saving their effort for the more important Assembly elections , but activists in both parties thought that the earlier contest should be fought , if only to make use of the free publicity that would be created and to have the advantages of a trial run and an early opportunity to canvass for the more important second elections .
19 ‘ Does that mean you 'll be willing to pay for a more expensive room ? ’
20 Business people — manufacturers , farmers and traders expect to produce and sell more goods in the south , so making enough profit to pay for the more expensive land .
21 The two groups , representing Asian and North American communicators , pledge below to strive for a more just global communication environment .
22 Moreover they expect the commission to push for a more careful approach in other areas , in particular :
23 While castles might be obtained by purchase , and exchanged to make for a more judicious distribution geographically , they had also to be manned with troops .
24 Some seem to have been rebuilt on a larger scale , presumably to cater for a more centralised population ; an example may be Wharram Percy in Yorkshire .
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