Example sentences of "[to-vb] i [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've enough pocket-money left to see me through Christmas , and the silver money will do for clothes and so on .
2 I had just received a telephone call from the barracks which informed me that officials from Horseferry Road magistrates court had phoned demanding to see me about nonpayment of fines .
3 For a moment I thought he was going to get back to the DIY metaphor and start to try to get them to see me as undercoat or Jesus Christ as primer , but , instead , he recovered himself enough to say , ‘ Great News ! ’
4 A twenty four year old woman came to see me for treatment on the ward , a smoker .
5 If you would like to see me on top of Michael 's bonfire ring in and the er th th the more amount of votes we get in for that
6 But more particularly to see me on stage — tonight .
7 Mr Jaggers told me Miss Havisham wished to see me on business , so I said I would go the next day .
8 ‘ Because you ai n't going to see me till lunch-time .
9 So funnily enough , the girl that I made friends with when I was a tracer , Penny , erm she came to see me in land army uniform you see , and I said , ’ Right , if I ca n't go in the forces , I 'll join the land army ’ , so I said ’ alright ’ .
10 Mind you , he 'd come home from university one time to see me in bed with flu , glasses and no front teeth , so I guess he was pretty immune to my charmlessness — or was too shortsighted himself to notice .
11 Mind you , he 'd come home from university one time to see me in bed with ‘ flu , glasses and no front teeth , so I guess he was pretty immune to my charmlessness — or was too shortsighted himself to notice .
12 You want to see me in gaol .
13 I can not want a man who wants to see me in gaol .
14 ‘ Father Laverty came to see me in hospital two days after the birth and had the nerve to look at my beautiful baby and ask me to put her up for adoption . ’
15 Now she is absolutely delighted to see me in Formula One . ’
16 D' you want to see me in prison ? ’
17 He 's going to kill me with despair .
18 ‘ You 're trying to kill me with cholesterol and all that E rubbish , ’ he said and stormed out .
19 I had the feeling that Prentice was out to kill me with kindness , or at least make me put my hands up to something I had n't done .
20 This only serves to alert me of course , though my brain has already caught on .
21 ‘ Sometimes I was in the depths of despair , but the other inmates helped to carry me through prison . ‘
22 Why should I let society off the hook by accepting rubbish when it 's more than within their means to treat me with dignity ? ’
23 For years I allowed him to treat me like dirt .
24 When his home town made him an ‘ honoured citizen ’ some years ago , he reminded friends that ‘ they used to fling me in jail ’ .
25 Somebody phoned an ambulance and was told that it would take between an hour and an hour and a half to arrive , so Derek volunteered to drive me to Casualty at Freedom Fields Hospital in Plymouth , forty-five miles away .
26 Chris was a learner driver at this time , and he used to drive me to hospital ; driving practice for him , but a great relief for me not to have to drive myself .
27 Each of the six weighed half a kilo so I was glad John came to meet me on arrival .
28 Finally they seemed to accept me as part of the landscape and came within the range of my camera .
29 What most people think is extraordinary is that after the government and Roosevelt came out with this thing , it would have been a perfectly human reaction of my father 's to say , well the hell with it , I wo n't give it to the nation if they 're going to accuse me of fraud .
30 I had problems with tutors trying to encourage me to diversity my work and experiment with other styles , but I was quite happy with the direction my work was heading so I stubbornly stuck to it .
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