Example sentences of "[to-vb] of that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our experience of particular communicative situations teaches us what to expect of that situation , both in a general predictive sense ( e.g. the sort of attitudes which are likely to be expressed , the sort of topics which are likely to be raised ) which gives rise to notions of ‘ appropriacy ’ , and in a limited predictive sense which enables us to interpret linguistic tokens ( e.g. deictic forms like here and now ) in the way we have interpreted them before in similar contexts .
2 The woman whom he paid for her favours so as to learn of that enchantment that could fuddle men and women ?
3 I shiver to think of that breakfast .
4 D' ya know I was trying to think of that footballer tha the other week with Colin .
5 She was never to think of that dream without some of its investing emotions , shame and irritation , even after a man at a party in 1969 had told her such dreams are dreamed typically by those unlikely to fail plausible and real exams .
6 I ask you to think of that mother , waiting anxiously for her child to return .
7 Yet if the density of her father 's silence spoke true , then Madcap Agnew had used this place to make of that mystery something vile indeed .
8 And he went on more explicitly to speak of that period ‘ some ten or even twenty years ago . ’
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