Example sentences of "[to-vb] of the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 This division of support had potentially serious consequences as it was commonly accepted that all four constituent groups had to be united behind a single candidate if the Democrats were to regain of the White House .
2 JOSE Coceres , the little known Argentinian , was the surprise leader at 15 under par with six holes of his third round to play of the Lancia Martini Italian Open at Modena today .
3 Though Kasdan appears to disapprove of the Joel Silver style of wham-bam slam-bangers , it 's impossible to tell whether he thinks such films have been instrumental in the decline of western civilisation .
4 The meeting decided to contribute £10 towards to cost of the Durham County Best Kept Village competition .
5 Her opposition to control of the WSPU by the Pankhursts [ qq.v. ] led to her removal from this key organizational role in 1911 .
6 There can be little doubt as to what in the way of topics and register the Host expects in the Monk 's Tale ; he concludes his observations on Melibee with : and continues with a description of the Monk that matches with the impression " Chaucer " claims to have of the Monk in the General Prologue , of a " " manly man " " , straining at the bounds of what is allowed to a monk ( and not dissimilar to the monk of the Shipman 's Tale ) : After nearly a hundred stanzas of the Monk 's tragedies , the Host is prepared to give him a second chance , as " Chaucer " had , but feels this time he has to be more specific as to what is wanted : But as soon as the Monk speaks we have the opportunity to see , firstly , that his reaction does not suggest he is flattered or pleased by the Host 's appraisal of him , and secondly that he sounds quite different from the bold and thrusting " man 's man " that " Chaucer " and the Host would make of him : Note how the Monk 's desire to offer literature that " " sowneth into honestee " " anticipates Chaucer the prosist 's retraction of the tales " " that sownen into synne " " .
7 Morgan was the first to learn of the Armistice in the trenches , where he intercepted instructions from the German GHQ ordering the generals to lay down their arms .
8 An alternative way , however , is to see national cohesion as secondary and to think of the UK economy as simply one site where the forces of a worldwide , supranational economy are in play .
9 It is a good idea of Lewis Carroll to think of the March hare because in March hares tend to go a bit potty and they stand on their back legs and box each other .
10 Henry III 's heart might , literally , be in Anjou , but ‘ by the end of his reign [ he ] was indisputably an English king and men were beginning to think of the Plantagenets as an English dynasty ’ .
11 One common way is to think of the United Kingdom 's economy as a national entity where the different parts — the various industries , banks , sections of the labour force and so on — are bound together by relations and institutions which are internal and national .
12 She did n't like to think of the Alice falling into cop hands .
13 It may suit some English commentators to think of the IRA as only a terrorist force rather than the Irish Republican Army because the acronym represents the IRA as shadowy forces of savagery and evil , which by definition it is difficult for the civilised good to understand .
14 On the other hand it is a mistake to think of the Zuwaya as differentiated by class : differences in wealth were not a basis for any marked or self-conscious social discrimination .
15 And we did n't know what to make of The Butler Window , a landmark in Zilker Park .
16 The Group has no present intention to dispose of the AUK Notes and therefore no tax provision has been made for the potential liability to corporation tax .
17 But is it also realistic to assume that the West might tolerate it if Mr Gorbachev decided that the Romanian people , not unlike the people of Panama , deserve to enjoy democracy , and that the Soviet Union should send some of its military across the border to dispose of the Ceausescu family and their killer Securitas forces ?
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