Example sentences of "[to-vb] of [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet Leapor is able to write of these things with good humour and to maintain a quiet hope .
2 The highly transient nature of the casual labour force in hotels and catering , and the low attachment to work of many casuals — itself often related to the fact that their jobs are very much part-time — mean that the unions ' task will scarcely be an easy one .
3 It is difficult to conceive of such thinking taking place without the growth and development of intellectual ability .
4 The response was one of total bemusement , with the director concerned unable to conceive of any circumstances in which linguistic talent might have any bearing on sales prospects or the acquiring of contracts .
5 So , although it is possible to conceive of any event as an incarnation of the totality , insofar as it must itself make up a part of that totality in its determination , unlike the case of the boxing match , where we can define the overall entity ‘ boxing ’ , it still remains unproven that an overall entity , ‘ History ’ , can be said to exist at all .
6 Equally , how easy is it for you to conceive of another subject of experience , one who is not you ?
7 And shall there insert every persons name that shall be wedded christened or buryded And for the sauff ( safe ) kepinge the same boke the parish shale bonde to provide of these comen charges one sure coffer with twoo lockes and keys where of the one to remayne with you and the other with the said wardens , wherein the said boke shalbe laide upp Which boke ye shall every Sonday take furthe and in the presence of the said wardens or one of them write and record in the same all the weddinges , christenyngs and buryenges made the hole weke before , And that done to lay upp the boke in the said coffer as afore .
8 Single girls of good family were not supposed to know of such things , but Sally-Anne , if not an active suffragette , knew about Miss Annie Besant , and those who said that women should not be tied to endless childbearing and that there were practical ways of avoiding it .
9 As a boy , of course , I was not to know of such matters , such degradation , such humiliation and indignities .
10 Mrs X had no idea what she had done wrong — I eventually came to know of this situation and arranged accommodation with an Asian family .
11 He demanded to know of another ambassador 's wife , no longer young , what kind of impression an old and unfashionable woman like her must give of Britain abroad : why could n't she look as attractive as the young woman opposite ?
12 He asks himself two simple questions ; 1 What is the specific contribution to profit of this resource or expenditure , or in making this decision , or taking this action ?
13 Too much sun , for example helps trigger the premature bolting to seed of some crops in summer , which is one reason why later sowings of radishes , salads or spinach are much better situated in a cool , shady bed .
14 As long as it takes for us to tire of each other , I suppose .
15 She was understandably reluctant to talk of all changes , especially in the programming of exhibitions , ‘ it is against my better judgement to put anything to print at this stage .
16 THE TIME HAS COME , a young girl said , to talk of many things : of shoes and ships and sealing wax , of cabbages and kings .
17 ‘ It is not easy for me to talk of such things to you , ’ he murmured , a trifle hesitantly .
18 It is helpful to encourage clients and relatives to talk of these feelings .
19 Behind this question seems to be the idea that to talk of the ‘ meaning ’ of a word is to talk of some thing — either some thing in the world , which the word stands for , or some thing in the mind of the person who utters the word and in the mind of the person who hears it .
20 But the idea that to talk of the ‘ meaning ’ of a word is to talk of some thing does not seem to apply to the use we have been considering of the word ‘ here ’ .
21 And in the income does hire refer to hire of this room ?
22 Our experience of particular communicative situations teaches us what to expect of that situation , both in a general predictive sense ( e.g. the sort of attitudes which are likely to be expressed , the sort of topics which are likely to be raised ) which gives rise to notions of ‘ appropriacy ’ , and in a limited predictive sense which enables us to interpret linguistic tokens ( e.g. deictic forms like here and now ) in the way we have interpreted them before in similar contexts .
23 As scientific courses proliferated , so this aspect became more prominent ; the people working in particular sciences came to expect of each other that they would speak the same language , and gaps between physicists , chemists , biologists , geologists and so on increased .
24 I first realised that herbs could reproduce this effect — ; and later wondered if a lack of them could be responsible for some of the diseases that seem particular to fish of this area .
25 The Report establishes the following principles to be observed in conducting such interviews ( para 12.34 ) and these principles apply equally to abuse of any nature .
26 Sideways moves for ministers such as John MacGregor apart , one of the few appointments not to smack of some form of pay-off is that of John Patten as Secretary of State for Education .
27 He was n't in the mood to hear of such things .
28 Hence the somewhat incongruous background to the emergence of Britain 's most important fascist organization : the publication of a reasoned pragmatic plan of action to attack unemployment in Mosley 's The Greater Britain , combined with the creation of a uniformed defence force to ensure that those who wished to hear of such ideas at public meetings would be able to do so .
29 I would be distressed to hear of any ladies reading it , let alone a girl of your tender years and experience .
30 I hope you will not mind me having circulated this letter to Wales four MEPs , since I am sure they will be concerned to hear of these difficulties .
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