Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun pl] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Our best plan was to kill the pirates one by one until the rest ran off or sailed away in the ship .
2 If you 're a good boy I 'll take you to see the badgers one day .
3 When considering the first age of party politics in England , it makes sense to treat the years 1660 – 1715 as a coherent whole .
4 The Land Rover dropped me off on the edge of the town , surprisingly on a tarmac road , and I arranged to meet the lads nine miles further on .
5 He left a community meeting in Beaumont Leys , Leics , to find the Pounds 6,800 car gone .
6 When Tim came home to visit the children one evening she disappeared upstairs .
7 Two of the Men began to open the Cages one by one from the far end as they brought food to each of the eagles .
8 The best I have ever managed is to replace the stitches one by one on to the needle hooks with a transfer tool and even then I lost more stitches ( and had to ‘ save ’ them ) than I transferred successfully .
9 Gently she showed the children how to wrap the chocolates one by one in silver foil .
10 The Library 's Corporate Plan , now rolled forward to cover the years 1991–95 , gives an annual opportunity to restate the Library 's objectives , to define its priorities , and to present a detailed analysis of its spending plans .
11 Scot Montgomerie said : ‘ We probably ca n't afford to give the Americans nine shots .
12 The Public Order ( Northern Ireland ) Act 1981 makes it necessary for organisers to give the police 5 days ' notice of a march for it to be considered legal .
13 And there 's enough psychological insight to give the characters three dimensions .
14 The floor was a continuous mosaic of eight-sided tiles , the corridor walls were angled to give the corridors eight sides if the walls and ceilings were counted and , in those places where part of the masonry had fallen in , Twoflower noticed that even the stones themselves had eight sides .
15 It suffices to cite the years 1794 and 1933 .
16 The same player struck a penalty moments later to put the visitors 13-8 in front , but a Davie Nicholson 's try for Armagh then tied up the scores at 13-13 at half-time .
17 Staff are already having to put the inmates 3 to a cell .
18 The leaders , beaten in their last three games , went in front in the seventh minute through Gavin Peacock , but David Speedie , on loan from Southampton , scored his first goal for Birmingham to level the scores two minutes later .
19 CSKA Moscow 's Ilshat Fayzullin thwarted Marseille 's hopes of two vital points in Group A of the European Cup with a second half goal to level the scores 1–1 .
20 ‘ All the information he had ’ was enough to save the Russians ten years ' research .
21 In an attempt to demonstrate the benefits two heads cited improvements in public exam results as performance indicators .
22 The decision to hold the elections eight months before they were constitutionally due increased speculation that the aged President was preparing to transfer power to his son .
23 However , it is the duty of the United Kingdom Government and the Minister responsible to argue the issues one by one until we reach an acceptable answer .
24 This is not the place to labour the points one by one , but the overall position is made clear by looking at what Fullan characterises as the difference between ‘ specific and generic capacity for change ’ .
25 We have to call the years 1,2 and so on , instead of quoting the calendar years .
26 A TORY MP 's wife has won a three-year battle to inherit the Pounds 10 million mansion that inspired Evelyn Waugh 's Brideshead Revisited .
27 It 's a huge contract , and management are eager to get the plants four hundred and fifty staff back to work as soon as possible .
28 When in 1947 he was invited to join the Dixielanders one of his fellow musicians was Wally Fawkes , the Daily Mail column-breaker and cartoonist , who came out to Camberwell once a week to attend Minton 's illustration classes .
29 IBM Corp 's IBM Personal Computer Co has added two members in the IBM Speech Recognition Family , VoiceType Control for Windows and VoiceType 2 : VoiceType Control for Windows offers customers with an 80386SX processor and up the ability to manipulate the Windows 3.1 environment and existing Windows 3.1 applications with spoken commands such as File Save , Font Bold and Next Window ; VoiceType Control for Windows costs $130 , works with Sound Blaster audio boards , and is speaker-independent ; VoiceType 2 is designed for general dictation and input to MS-DOS applications , and enables users to continue to control their existing applications , such as word processing , databases or spreadsheet , simply by talking ; it comes ready to use with ‘ many popular software products such as Quicken , WordPerfect 5.1 , dBase and more ’ , and users can add their own commands ; VoiceType 2 , with the IBM M-Audio Capture and Playback Adaptor , runs on 80386SX and above personal computers and automatically adapts to a speaker 's unique voice pattern and allows for accents and other individual speech characteristics ; it costs $2,200 and will be available in late May .
30 Siegfried had just begun to take the stairs three at a time when his brother descended from the landing , knotting his tie with perfect composure .
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