Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [vb pp] down " in BNC.

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1 And towards morning , when the snow turned again to rain , the whole hillside under which they were camped had become furrowed and scoured by a hundred brooks scurrying and leaping downwards into the river valley , till the level of the flood crept up towards their outposts , and its tributaries carried down into it everything movable that came in their way , including some of the hobbled horses , and the wreckage of tents , and drowned men .
2 ( Notice how , in a publicity photograph issued by the Tallis Scholars , most of the singers have their eyes cast down to their copies — see illus.3 . )
3 The three he failed to save had their appeals turned down .
4 Shops had their blinds drawn down and the shopkeepers stood in their doorways as a mark of respect .
5 Just before dawn on 1 October , six generals and brigadiers were murdered and their bodies thrown down a well at a nearby military base , Halim .
6 ‘ Some people kept little trees in secret courtyards , and flowers in their houses , but they were n't supposed to , and if their neighbours reported them to the police the people would have their trees chopped down and the flowers taken away and they would be fined or put in prison , where they had to work very hard , rubbing out writing on bits of paper so they could be used again . ’
7 Squirrels who 've had their trees cut down !
8 With what she was going to leave to each of her relations written down in it so that when she got fed up with one of them she could just strike his name out ! ’
9 Her looks nailed down his hands his wrists his elbows
10 Renoir had some of his canvases taken down from the wall so that Modigliani could look at them more closely .
11 Is his trousers fallen down ?
12 When she came back into the office Dexter sat comatose , his eyelids drawn down like the venetian blinds , the only sign of wakefulness his fingers flicking absentmindedly through the pages of a gay magazine he had hidden inside one on gardening .
13 He stayed at Dunvegan for eight nights , from Monday , 13 September , to the morning of Tuesday the 21st , and may even have outstayed his welcome ; Johnson more or less refused to leave the comfort of the castle and applauded the weather 's inclemency which kept him and his companions pinned down .
14 Your eyes drawn down to the bitter earth .
15 ( 1 ) Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and grip the club above your head with your thumbs extended down the club shaft and your palms facing upwards .
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