Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 I mean it came out well I thought , it came out very well , considering it was , you know , different process , and it certainly does the job and I still have n't got my damn postcards have I ?
2 I think we would be wise to reflect a little longer and to think that perhaps the Government is not so far wrong in what it is saying and I have to say finally My Lords that I never in my public life , or indeed in my private life have met anybody who has said to me that their attitude towards their local police force has been in any way influenced by the fact that the members of the police authority were or were n't democratically elected .
3 My political views have never changed in the past and will not change in the future , ’ he said soon after court officials ordered his early release from a Beijing prison .
4 Me and my sore back have had several meetings now with Fielding 's moneymen .
5 I have to dress in my sweaty , dirty clothes and go back down to the kitchen , grumbling while she makes me a coffee , and I complain about my wet boots and she gives me a fresh pair of William 's socks to wear and I put them on and drink my coffee and whine about never being allowed to spend the night and tell her how just once I 'd like to wake up here in the morning , and have a nice , civilised breakfast with her , sitting on the sunny balcony outside the bedroom windows , but she makes me sit down while she laces my boots up , then takes my coffee cup off me and sends me out the back door and says I 've got two minutes before she arms the alarm and puts the infrared lights on stand-by so I have to go back the way I came , over the estate wall and through the wood and down into the stream where I get both feet wet and cold and I fall going up the bank and get all muddy and eventually drag myself up and through the hedge , scratching my cheek and tearing my polo-neck and then trudging across the field through heavy rain and more mud and finally getting to the car and panicking when I ca n't find the car keys before remembering I put them in the button-down back pocket of the jeans for safety instead of the side pocket like I usually do , and then having to put some dead branches under the front wheels because the fucking car 's stuck and finally getting away and home and even in the street light I can see what a mess of the pale upholstery my muddy clothes have made .
6 Having said that , many of my favourite pictures have been really bold designs using very strong colours on striking backgrounds !
7 The result would be a deterioration of services in all the ways that my Hon. Friends have pointed out the cleanliness of the buses , the regularity of services and the kind of facilities that are made available to the unemployed , women , the elderly and the disabled .
8 Many of my hon. Friends have done the same .
9 The constituents of my hon. Friends have a considerable amount to gain from weighted capitation and from the commitment to ensure that the total resources available to the NHS continue to grow year by year .
10 Today , a number of my hon. Friends have expressed their regret at some of the omissions from the Queen 's Speech .
11 As my hon. Friends have said , that is absolute rubbish .
12 The former Prime Minister used to talk about Victorian values , and some of my hon. Friends have mentioned them this evening .
13 My hon. Friends have made the good point that the Labour party is posing as the party of carbon dioxide reductions while at the same time it wants to force electricity generators to burn more coal , phase out the nuclear industry and , in its phrase , to ’ deter ’ the generators from using gas for power generation .
14 My hon. Friends have already dealt with the Labour party 's idea for ombudsmen , and I have also mentioned it in my reply to them .
15 Tragically , as my hon. Friends have said , the image that is portrayed is still one of the smoker being chic or macho .
16 My hon. Friends have highlighted some of the report 's recommendations .
17 This year , I am delighted that my hon. Friends have at least found the same page of the hymn book .
18 The particular problem to which my hon. Friends have referred has arisen because we will have to pay back about £6 million , which was awarded by the rates valuation courts because of previous overpayment of rates .
19 As my hon. Friends have said , the original calculations were made by the Inland Revenue and had nothing to do with the borough of Newham .
20 Of course there is strong opposition to some parts of the Bill , to which many of my hon. Friends have drawn the attention of the Minister , but it also has to be said that , perhaps unusually for Government legislation , there is a large part of the Bill on which there is a wide measure of agreement .
21 I am sure that the problems described by my hon. Friend have increased , but I have no evidence that any such increase is related to shops in Scotland opening on Sunday .
22 What plans does my hon. Friend have to take up the 20 ecu supplement to the suckler cow premium agreed by the Council of Ministers on 11 December ?
23 Both I and my hon. Friend have received representations from the Southampton eye hospital , suggesting that there might be a case for extending the provisions of the Bill to ophthalmic casualty .
24 Are you inferring that my sexual preferences have any remote resemblance to your fancy photographer 's ? ’
25 In April 1765 Collinson wrote , ‘ I have the pleasure to inform my good friend that my repeated solicitations have not been in vain , for this day I received certain intelligence from our gracious King that he has appointed thee his Botanist with a salary of fifty pounds a year . ’
26 Two-thirds of my male friends have got married , and the rest of us just sit around in the pub all weekend .
27 I have written to both the Prime Minister and the Sports Minister because I wonder if my civil liberties have been infringed .
28 There is no truth that er ministers intend to withdraw from the I L O or to seek an opportunity to do so and despite T U C criticism , as I said earlier , we believe that our policies comply with all the I L O conventions which we 've ratified and as my honourable friends have pointed out , our overriding objective is to ensure the maintenance of continuous operations at G C H Q which is vital to the protection of national security .
29 Erm , Mr Deputy Speaker I 'm sorry my honourable friends have not been able to get into this debate as I would have like to have heard them .
30 My previous relationships have all been with women I 've been able to like and respect at the same time as I 've desired them . ’
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