Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He tried to steal my strip on the Island ? ’
2 The second place is that probably one of the reasons that physicians feel threatened by these kind of laws is that , without the law , I can cruise along and maintain my patients ' comfort and my sanity to the best of my ability .
3 This experience deepened my dread of the five fillings which awaited me .
4 As an Englishman I express my subordination to the political authority under which I live by paying a certain fraction of my money income to the appropriate official .
5 You will now release me : the resulting implication being that I bought my freedom at the expense of his .
6 And , perhaps , with this act of treachery I can finally buy my freedom from the burden of buried horror that bound me to Andy twenty years ago , so that — dispossessed of that trespass — I 'm left free to betray him again , now .
7 What I 'll do when I 'm , if all the if signs and buts are covered , I will put the mike on it 's stand when I 'm working tomorrow , put it on the desk and put the recorder in the , in my briefcase underneath the little desk
8 I had lost my heart to the little , golden flowers that brightened the meadows like a thousand suns .
9 I liked the way Karen had picked up that my story about the wallet was in fact a message , and I liked the message she was sending back even more .
10 He did n't believe my story about the Star Zoo … until the robot told him it was all true .
11 Once we were past the village on the road up to the major , Sir Edmund , recalling my story about the ambush , ordered the soldiers to fan out before us .
12 The passage could be read as ‘ this is not my ‘ Histoire de l'oeil ’ , but a male story that I have been subjected to ’ , or as ‘ this is not ‘ L'Histoire de l'oeil ’ but my story of the eye which is not a his-story but a hystery , i.e. a female story ’ .
13 When I had told my story to the minister , he introduced me to Ivan Feigelson ( known to his friends as Ika ) , a young medical student of Russian emigré parentage .
14 The gentleman who saved me suggested I tell my story to the French authorities .
15 I told my story with the help of Joy and Alan , who arrived for coffee and contributed greatly with their humanity , humour and charm .
16 You may recall my story from the April issue , headlined No Protection .
17 My mum used to pick my hair off the pillow while I was asleep so that I would n't see how much I was losing , and at that time I was too ill to get up and go and look in the mirror .
18 At sunset , I climb back to the waterfall and wash my hair in the cold , clear water — a mundane chore elevated into sublime pleasure .
19 They did n't make me wash my hair which I was very grateful for as I hate having to wash my hair in the bath .
20 After dinner , I combed my hair in the bedroom .
21 yes , just for instance , my brother pulling my hair in the back of the car and annoying me .
22 I have stripped off the patina of almost-respectable journalism , put back the earring , parted my hair in the middle to hide my own personal recession , exchanged the Marks and Spencer 's cords for 501s , the Oxford shirt for a Lloyd Cole cast-off black polo .
23 Er , I 'm sure we did n't put a brush through my hair in the bath .
24 ‘ My respectful study of other religions has not abated my reverence for or my faith in the Hindu scriptures .
25 After all , a guitar tech 's job has to depend on such accuracy , and if it were my job then I 'd rather put my faith in the R450 than a box-load of pocket tuners .
26 I 've been doing most of my cooking with the
27 My advantage over the rest of the managers is that I can manipulate my time more .
28 They may communicate more fully than they would in real life but this is to my advantage as the reader because it increases my relief and my pleasure .
29 I waited three days for the sun to come out but to no avail , so on a very grey , cloudy day I set my easel by the French doors , put my paints and brushes on a high stool next to me and started .
30 I could have vomited with fear and had difficulty controlling my breathing at the silent horrors my master described .
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