Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [adv prt] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Keep still till I get my money out pet .
2 At the end of year nine it was make my mind up time on my GCSE options , there was no doubt which I wanted to take , drama , but my father had other ideas he thought a second language would be far more constructive .
3 Q. I never see my Upside Down Catfish during the day , not even when I feed the other fish .
4 Found my cab out back of the Tomorrowman .
5 And of course , er by nineteen forty erm well , Christmas thirty nine , I 'd got my calling up papers .
6 Well , there was a porter there , called Len and he , he was eighteen and er of course you know well I I was as I said sixteen , so he was a bit older than me but he , whilst he was at Needham he said well when I 'm eighteen I 'll get my calling up papers .
7 She ‘ phoned down for somebody to bring her car out front .
8 To service the new freighters , and minimise their turn around time , Associated British Ports have commissioned a new riverside freight terminal in Hull , adjacent to the existing King George Dock .
9 And those people who 've got their hands up boys !
10 ‘ Those benighted days when men slogged their guts out oop at t'mill , or died of dysentery out in India , while their poor wives led lives of cruel hardship , bringing up the children with the help of a couple of nursemaids and a skivvy or four . ’
11 Groups of Tibetan traders filed through the village on their way back north from India .
12 Meanwhile waxwings certainly appear to be making their way back north after the big flocks recorded here in early December generally dispersed southwards .
13 Visit Malham at mid-day on a sunny Bank Holiday and it will be " fair thranged wi' folk " , yet wait until evening when the charabancs have gone and the cars have motored their way back downdale , and Malham becomes again a quiet little place , the only noise coming from the Hikers ' Bar of the Buck Inn where legions of Pennine Way pilgrims have slaked their thirst ; or from the bar of the Listers Arms where Dalesfolk have been coming for years to taste the best steaks in the Dales .
14 I miss my painting , and hope that by keeping still it will , like some small exotic animal , find its way back tome without my attempting to chase it down the byways of my exhausted creativity .
15 On her way out Mrs Bradshaw again suggested that I phone the police , and I promised to think about it in the morning .
16 It says , in general continuous quality and company procedures , where they go a specific er , manual for the survey is lodged in the master job file and I suppose the only final thing they need is that , well Simon , you continue the surveys in their set up period , there may be a time when that manual does not exist , during the time we keep deciding .
17 The original plan was that Anita would do the cooking and her husband would serve the customers , but she did not enjoy being behind the scenes and eventually taught Gordon to be a fine cook while she spent her time out front chatting up the customers .
18 Make yer mind up time : Laughing Hyenas at the Marquee or Mark Eitzel at the bleedin' Knitting Factory again ?
19 ‘ That 's yer tea out John ! ’
20 OK , impressions play a big part in his stand up act ( his Ronnie Corbett as the Terminator in Vietnam is a classic ) , but he 's also invented a bunch of characters to rival the best of Harry Enfield .
21 Despite the violence of the schism with his father , the eccentric streak prevailed to the extent that he was offered funds until he found his feet back West .
22 See he has to send his his missus out shoplifting and things , just to get money so he can buy drugs .
23 He stood outside the low , broad door , listening , then put his hand out flat against the wood and gently pushed .
24 One of the Wurzels , Tommy Banner , got his accordion back thanks to " Police Five " — and I know how grateful he was .
25 Perkins , the Adjutant , had somehow found his way back stage .
26 ‘ And then the little lad started to push his way out backside first .
27 Victor Lewis-Smith killed it , in one of his Time Out columns , with a heartfelt appeal for a gadget which would enable us to break the last tiny piece of poppadam into two equal pieces .
28 Wonder if got his carpet down Friday .
29 Eat your heart out Imelda Marcos
30 Do you need to wash your mouth out Adam ?
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