Example sentences of "[vb mod] do [pers pn] all " in BNC.

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1 In attempting to help users in searching automated catalogues , it is perhaps too easy to assume that the machine must do it all and that the burden must be removed entirely from the user .
2 I do n't know that we should Do we all do we want to go together
3 They should do it all the time I reckon .
4 Let's do it all now then .
5 ‘ What 's more , you probably wo n't have to do any talking — she 'll do it all !
6 Er the perceiving people do n't , it does n't worry them very much , they 'll do it all at the last minute and get it sorted out somehow .
7 ‘ It 'll do you all a power of good .
8 You 'd do it all
9 Tonight , he insisted he 's NOT a hero — but says he 'd do it all again if he had to .
10 Len Daniels was attacked by pirates and virtually ran out of rations — but he says he 'd do it all again .
11 I do n't mind , if you leave me in the kitchen I 'd be quite happy , I 'd do it all .
12 But sometimes the door was open and they 'd do it all out the front doors like this a and fresh , fresh people trying to get in .
13 That 's because I did n't have time to sit and colour with him so he decided he 'd do it all blue himself did n't you ?
14 He could run and jump and climb much better in bare feet , and he could do it all without making a sound .
15 She liked to think she could do it all .
16 Dunbar had said no more than the truth , the archers could do it all .
17 If you were going to , you could do it all in one sentence , that that 's the other point I was going to make .
18 It could do you all the good in the world . ’
19 I swore to my mother , when she was dying , that if I ever found my half-brother , I would do him all the harm I could .
20 And , though she says she was overwhelmed by the task of choosing decor for some 17 rooms before they were built , she would do it all again .
21 He talked of all that remained to be done , of how he would do it all , bit by bit ; said that first of all the attic should be examined , for so much rain soaking in must have affected the beams .
22 He knew he would do it all again , because as he looked across the manicured lawns , the buildings shrouded now in darkness but soon to be brilliant in the blazing sunlight , the scene embodied all his dreams .
23 Michelle said : ‘ I did n't like the free fall , but apart from that I think I would do it all again . ’
24 Mr Churchill caused Gallipoli , and would do it all again .
25 That 's right I know , but see this is , you see this is the point I 'm trying to make to you , you can quite happily do it in your own way , but the problem is you do n't know what you 're doing , right , and , and if you actually knew what you were doing and well aware of what you 're doing you would do it a hundred times better and you would do it all the time , right
26 Clarke would do us all a big service if , in his next book , he could produce a law that sorts out the predictions that are too spineless from those that assume the human race to be capable of too much ,
27 It would do us all a lot of good .
28 Maybe we will do it all again in another six months ? ? ?
29 Certainly this is a month of trials and tribulations but I suspect what will be rooted up , thrashed out and spat out will do us all a favour in the end .
30 You can do them all , just be looking at that .
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