Example sentences of "[vb mod] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus there is generally a presumption that business agreements are intended to be legally binding , and the courts generally accept an element of imprecision in business agreements so that " the dealings of men may so far as possible be treated as effective and that the law may not incur the reproach of being the destroyer of bargains " ( per Lord Tomlin in Hillas v Arcos [ 1932 ] All ER Rep 494 , at p499 ) .
2 The first is a simple reflection of the common view that one person should so far as possible be entitled to tell another person to mind his own business .
3 ‘ The first is a simple reflection of the common view that one person should so far as possible be entitled to tell another person to mind his own business .
4 These difficult questions should so far as possible be confined to those fields of law to which they are immediately relevant and I do not regard them as relevant questions under the Theft Act 1968 , ’
5 The 1986 Manual also reported that ‘ The Treasury have directed that the format ( rather than the content ) of the annual accounts of all public sector bodies ( i.e. including Health Authorities ) should so far as possible follow that of the private sector ’ ( para 3 , Ch 1 ) .
6 What the ordinary man most wanted of the State was that it should so far as possible leave him alone .
7 ( c.26 ) " Since the kingdom consists of different regions , officers of the first , second , and indeed any rank should so far as possible be picked from different regions , so that [ men from ] the various regions should be able to come to the palace with a greater sense of knowing their way around ( familiarius ) since they would know that men who were from the same kin-group ( genealogia ) or the same region held a place there . "
8 These difficult questions should so far as possible be confined to those fields of law to which they are immediately relevant and I do not regard them as relevant questions under the Theft Act 1968 " .
9 Accordingly , the draftsman should so far as possible ensure that the plan is accurate .
10 Ministers are reluctant to believe that Your Majesty 's resolve is irrevocable and still venture to hope that before Your Majesty pronounces any formal decision Your Majesty may be pleased to reconsider an intention which must so deeply and so vitally affect all Your Majesty 's subjects .
11 The paper praised Biograph for ‘ having opened up a new vein for motion picture subjects ’ , argued that ‘ no orator , no editorial writer , no essayist could so strongly and effectively present the thoughts that are conveyed in this picture ’ , and concluded that it was ‘ another demonstration of the force and power of motion pictures as a means of conveying ideas ’ .
12 The procedure is very like that operating in the county courts despite the provisions of the rules of procedure which state that tribunals ‘ shall so far as appears … appropriate seek to avoid formality in its proceedings ’ and the absence of formal rules relating to the admissibility of evidence .
13 ( 8 ) A recognised body shall so far as possible ensure that its members comply with this Rule and Rule 6 . ’
14 R.5(8) provides that a recognised body shall so far as possible ensure that its shareholders comply with Rs.5 and 6 ( R.6 makes provision with respect to mental health ) .
15 ( 8 ) A recognised body shall so far as possible ensure that its members comply with this Rule and Rule 6 .
16 ( 3 ) A recognised body shall not enter in its register of members any person until that person has submitted a Compensation Fund covenant to the Council and shall so far as possible ensure that all beneficial owners of any shares submit such a covenant to the Council .
17 In time of war , persons for the time being residing or doing business in an enemy country , whatever their nationality or domicile , are disabled from suing in the English Courts ; but , if sued here , they will so far as possible be given an opportunity of defending themselves .
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