Example sentences of "[vb mod] n't [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 You 've got no police record and there 's no reason you should n't go back and live with ordinary people .
2 sort this out sensibly , the police overreact , they arrest him at midnight in the clothes he stands up in , they take him down to the police station , he 's held in the police station for about thirty six hours or so , something like that , er instead of being brought before the court straight away and released on bail straight away , they , they keep him in custody where he 's never been before , er and Madam he 's then released on bail but court imposes silly conditions on him , conditions that he should n't go back to his home address , he ca n't go and see his girlfriend , he ca n't go and see his children , er , and Madam it seems to be an abuse of the process really of the court to behave in this way .
3 She wanted something to keep secret inside her ; something to balance the loneliness of life without him if one night he should n't come back .
4 ‘ I said you should n't come back to me , Mr Millet , and you agreed . ’
5 Orpheus in the Underworld , I should n't look back .
6 Just as Paul Gascoigne was overcome with emotion at England 's World Cup exit in Italia '90 , Cantona could n't hold back the tears when he was joined on the chat show sofa … by his grandmother .
7 Hysteria had nothing to do with reality , it was something you could n't help , could n't hold back any more than you could stop flood water finding out the weak places in a dam .
8 She could n't hold back ; like him , it was all impossible .
9 Why talk to something that could n't talk back ?
10 just gon na have to you know be stopped there anyway this young lad after the first fast bend he went to overtake and I could see a car coming the other way and he was like er running along side this pick-up but it was like he could n't drop back and he could n't make it either
11 But it would need a sixty percent vote on the council , and once they 'd do made the switch , they could n't switch back to a system by thirds for ten years .
12 But she could n't draw back now ; she did n't even want to .
13 But she could n't go back now ; she had to go on .
14 I could n't go back to work although I had tried several times and socializing was no fun at all .
15 But she was more tired than she knew , and soon she began to wish that she had a suitcase to sit on ; but hers was on the rack in that tightly packed carriage , and she could n't go back for it .
16 One thing we were sure of : we could n't go back .
17 And that would be one more bar we could n't go back to .
18 Two days later they called me back and said that I could n't go back to Jamaica , but offered me a place in the group going to Thailand , which was leaving in February .
19 He could n't go back now , not after all the planning and scheming of the last few months .
20 " I could n't go back , " he said softly .
21 And er so that 's er I stopped on six months , being an orderly , because I could n't go back into tailoring , obviously , because er it might have aggravated it all again .
22 After the things that dreadful man has done and said I could n't go back .
23 You could n't go back to the time when the great art critics like Bernard Berenson and Herbert Read reigned supreme , even if you wanted to .
24 He could n't go back , he could n't go on , and yet he was n't entirely sure why he 'd stopped .
25 She could n't go back and face them all — not now , not when Marianne would have told them all about her criminal father , doubtless revelling in every sad little detail , probably creating a few more just to spice the story up still more .
26 I could n't go back into the office in this state .
27 Outside the sun burned down ; there was very little shade apart from the awning and she could n't go back , not with that thing hanging there .
28 She could n't go back into the house either .
29 You could n't go back to sleep then .
30 I could n't go back to sleep , but I felt so guilty about what I 'd eaten .
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