Example sentences of "[vb mod] n't [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well , I must n't hold you up .
2 I feel it is my best chance , I must n't waste it , spoil it through lack of preparation .
3 she said he must n't lick it .
4 ‘ I must n't drink it , ’ she said as she did .
5 My Keith tried a little drop last night and he said I must n't drink this so soon after then he had another sip must n't drink it and he
6 I must n't want him this much …
7 If I wrote , I must n't make it clear from the envelope what the letter was about , or mention the title of the book on the outside .
8 We 've decided now that you you must n't treat me like a chi child .
9 You must n't think I 'm trying to find out about your private affairs . "
10 But listen , you must n't think I 'm wearying about not being able to paint any more .
11 Full colour : ‘ Listen , you must n't think I 'm wearying about not being able to paint any more , ’ says Mary Armour .
12 I know why you are so jumpy , Mama , but you must n't think you are the only one who is being put out .
13 Let me see it before , ooh I must n't open it because it 'll be ste
14 Yeah but you must have it you must n't pass it on to anybody else .
15 You must n't tell me — or Helen ? ’
16 You must n't tell him you 've seen me — that 's all over and done with . ’
17 ‘ You told me I must n't tell him .
18 it hurts , but we must n't tell you where .
19 ‘ I must n't tell you that I want to bury myself in your body ? ’ he enquired .
20 You must n't feel you are above earning money and doing a serious painting at the same time . ’
21 you must n't show me .
22 ‘ You must n't show it , ’ Sophie said firmly .
23 She must n't irritate him .
24 ‘ You really must n't bother me too much , old love , must n't disturb the goose when he 's trying to lay the golden egg , y'know . ’
25 I must n't detain you ! ’
26 Er Andrea , er it 's gone eleven I must n't detain you any longer .
27 Ooh you must n't bite him !
28 ‘ We must n't forget we 're on holiday . ’
29 I really thought it was going to be sort of ‘ You must not drink ever again' and ‘ You naughty boy , you must n't do it ever again' sort of thing .
30 So , for instance , if she tips a pot of paint over Jamie 's drawing , tell her she must n't do it again , because she has spoiled the picture , Jamie is upset — and how would she like it if someone did that to her picture ?
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