Example sentences of "[vb mod] be that this " in BNC.

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1 Swiss-owned stockbrokers Phillips & Drew are trying to soothe the Swiss bond managers , but the betting must be that this group of investors will be far more successful than Heron 's bankers in demanding sweeteners for accepting late payment .
2 Considered against the proud advances made in the arts and sciences whereby humanity improves the quality of life on earth , the conclusion must be that this is a shameful situation .
3 The first conclusion must be that this failure is not unexpected because social services were not designed to reduce such inequalities .
4 Indeed by virtue of the fact that the clause will be seen as merely adding extra information the natural presumption must be that this is not the basis for " recognizability " .
5 The constructivist answer might be that this is behaviour guided by the input systems , with the added assumption that the behavioural expectation of resistance does not entail knowledge of continuing existence — of a continuing object of thought .
6 It might be that this girl was a con woman and he and Camb the first victims of a colossal deception .
7 It might be that this season will be his last chance , that he is a manager who can win Cups with short sprints but not the silverware that goes with marathons .
8 One of the reasons underlying the inconsistent results with regard to the effect of familial sinistrality might be that this factor is likely to be confounded with family size ( Bradshaw , 1980 ) .
9 Clear as it might be that this was no time to continue old feuds with the shipowners , to lower one 's guard against them was too much to be expected .
10 Well it might be that this turns out to be an extremely successful gamble , and Branson has expanded Virgin into a world recovery , or it may be that this airline runs into more serious financial difficulties in the middle of the decade , and it either contracts or it sells out to either an American or a continental European carrier .
11 It could be that this is a time marked by a dearth of characters , or that the smart people in rock are n't interested in self-projection but in obliterating themselves in noise .
12 If the feminist folklinguistic belief that women are less or differently logical than men is a matter of content , it could be that this is the sort of thing feminists have in mind .
13 It could be that this development marks the beginning of a teaching force which is professional in reality as well as in name .
14 Amis also likes to write , as Larkin liked to write , about the fear of death , and it may be that this fear can be detected in the failure to notice here that both sorts of people are subject to it , as to other unavoidable misfortunes , and that both sorts die .
15 This situation is common in many academic areas , as I have discovered talking to colleagues , and it may be that this state of inflation and over-production is economically unavoidable , that many inferior books have to be published in order to let the good ones appear .
16 I 've found the increasing dogmatism and certainty that she 's right the most sinister thing about her because that so often goes with paranoid feelings , and it may be that this is one manifestation of that .
17 It may be that this will gradually work through and become apparent in the activists in about five years .
18 It may be that this was done only where there was a public interest , but we have already seen that in the two areas in which trusts involved purely private interests , restitution of property and manumission , the remedies of cognitio were in any case adequate to secure specific performance .
19 It may be that this relexicalized version has not been actually attested and , may never occur in the future but it acquires normality because it is relatively easy to conceive of a context for it .
20 We were surprised at the continuing estimates of fixed costs , as we would have expected a minimal time investment after the first year of familiarisation , but given that training was identified as the major cost , it may be that this forms the bulk of the continuing cost .
21 It may be that this prophecy lies behind the account of the expulsion from the Temple of those who bought and sold .
22 Mr Lambert said : ‘ It may be that this man was hitch-hiking or waiting for a lift . ’
23 It may be that this goddess was worshipped at the peak sanctuaries , where it is known that pyres were lit ; the later Artemis cult also involved mountain-top bonfires .
24 There is a much higher concentration of minority groups in Kent wing , together with a mosque and synagogue and it may be that this also helps .
25 Certain periods in the past have seen minor bursts of prison reform , and it may be that this will produce another .
26 On the other hand , it may be that this is wishful thinking and that , in practical terms , the award of damages for illegality is incompatible with the theory of judicial review because it can not be reconciled with the idea that the ultimate decision must usually be left to the public authority .
27 It may be that this explanation is not an acceptable answer to the question , but it is presented by the speaker in a form which conveys ‘ what I think we 're talking about ’ in this part of the conversation .
28 As offending during the currency of a community order will not necessarily be a ground under Criminal Justice Act 1991 for re-sentencing an offender who is subject to a community order , and failure to respond to a community order must be disregarded when considering whether an offence is sufficiently serious to justify a custodial sentence ( s.29(1) ) , it may be that this decision will become particularly important under the new legislation .
29 Indeed it may be that this was ‘ the last straw ’ for W.
30 It may be that this is the first post-modern war , not just because it 's ‘ screened ’ but because the consensus in the West for war appears to be reluctant .
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