Example sentences of "[vb mod] be see [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Without this the theory would find it difficult to explain why latent inhibition should be seen with inhibitory conditioning in the test phase .
2 He claimed it suggested that ‘ no decent person should be seen with her , let alone spend a family holiday with her ’ .
3 It should be seen for what it was , and especially by those who feel like regretting its erasure , and alleging that its replacement has made an environment which may be even worse — of tower blocks filled with heroin and despair .
4 For this reason , adultery should be seen for what it has become , an act of sexual conduct which takes on a symbolic character if offensive to the other partner .
5 This allows you to make a more considered approach than a telephone call and to use the job matching list you have drawn up to bring to the employer 's attention the reasons why you are suitable for the job and why you should be seen for interview .
6 Three , and Johnson 's knock-out punch — Pennant 's descriptions went as far into detail as Pennant wanted them to , and therefore they should be seen for what they are , not what they might have been : ‘ Here is a man six feet high and you are angry because he is not seven . ’
7 For instance , what the Harlequins are doing with Troy Coker at the moment may be legal but it bears no relation to what the law should be or to what it should be seen to be .
8 Now play some music and observe the l.e.d. — it should be seen to be varying in brightness gently with the music .
9 Competition can be a spur to some pupils and fun in some activities , but the individual 's improvement of his own levels of attainment should be seen to be what really matters and be the most evident cause of encouragement .
10 The intention behind Mrs Whitehouse 's actions was not that Bogdanov should be punished , but that the values and beliefs espoused by the NVALA should be seen to be supported , to be successfully and , above all , publicly defended from attack .
11 Not only is it doing well , it should be seen to be doing well .
12 ( iii ) After incubation in complement , transfer the embryos to fresh M2 + BSA and leave them for a further 20–30 min at 37 C during which time the outer cells should be seen to bleb and lyse .
13 There is little political controversy attached to the figure of the sovereign , for as Bagehot recognized in the nineteenth century , the successful constitutional monarch should be seen to be removed from politics .
14 The duties performed by the internal auditor should be seen to be complementary to the work performed by the external auditor .
15 One of our informants cynically suggested ( though in fact with reference to the concept for Multicultural Education ) that ‘ permeation is a word used to indicate that the institution believes the issue should be seen to be addressed without wishing to provide administrative support for such addressing ’ .
16 Thus where the body is judicial in nature the lower test of reasonable suspicion should suffice , reflecting the importance of the idea that justice should be seen to be done .
17 I think that in the nineteen nineties , there is agreement that some reform is need is needed that there should be a better balance between the different groups at conference , and that decision making in the parties should be seen to be democratic open and based on one person one vote .
18 It is important that the Royal Ulster Constabulary should be seen to be in the forefront of the fight against terrorism with the support and confidence of the whole community .
19 My hon. Friend is entirely right : it is the principle that matters , and the ultimate principle is that there should be justice and that justice should be seen to be done .
20 In many spheres of public life justice should be seen to be done as well as be done , and officials should not only be impartial but be seen to be above reproach .
21 So if we could look at those things and talk to the Government to see if it 's possible , it maybe it is n't possible then that 's a different argument but we should be seen to be doing something er to let this die on it 's own will A , will deprive other people for odd jobs and in some cases I 've met the representation two guys there who used their redundancy money for Airways to purchase er a small aircraft and are running a flying school .
22 It was always our contention that justice should not only be done but that justice should be seen to be done by the due process of the public inquiry .
23 What we need to be certain about is that whatever society is involved in or whatever organisation is involved in balloting that it should be seen to be done properly .
24 There was perhaps a feeling at the start that we should be seen to be a body apart from the rest of ICI .
25 Back should be seen as back .
26 ‘ The software package selected for implementation should be seen as the vehicle for a solution rather than the solution itself .
27 Mr Bendixson quotes Professor Alain Bonnafous : ‘ … the TGV should be seen as a low-flying Airbus .
28 Yesterday the party called for non-renewal of the US bases agreement , but perhaps that should be seen as an opening bid .
29 But perhaps the new assertiveness of British Muslims should be seen as a sign not of isolation but of integration .
30 As a single-season display they are beautiful and the possibility of them establishing themselves should be seen as a bonus .
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