Example sentences of "[vb mod] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The executor or administrator , whose duties in many ways resemble those of a trustee , must in the first instance discharge the funeral expenses , the cost ( including the payment of inheritance tax ) of obtaining probate of the will or ‘ letters of administration ’ , and the debts of the deceased .
2 Even if I allow him to scribble down a few paragraphs of his own fiction ( and I do not see why I should ) it still follows that any words he might write must in the first instance be composed by me .
3 As a result of Section 89 of the Companies Act 1985 , if the Directors wish to allot the unissued shares for cash ( other than pursuant to an employee share scheme ) , they must in the first instance offer them to existing shareholders in proportion to their holdings .
4 Liabilities must in the first instance be met from the partnership property .
5 It must in the first place be said that women in the past were not for example doctors or politicians , so it is hardly surprising that they should not have held public office in the church .
6 It must in the first place be said that there was probably nothing particularly exceptional about Jesus ' behaviour and attitudes towards women .
7 Study of the examples will show that in order to simulate the behaviour of a system one must in the first instance understand it .
8 Any restriction on the media , to be valid , must in the first place be justified by a " pressing social need , " and then , even if the social need is pressing , the restriction must be reasonably proportionate to the aim of responding to that need .
9 Whether Innocent could have achieved his ends earlier or by better means must in the final analysis be a matter of opinion .
10 It seems fatuous to condemn companies like this for functioning as they must in the industrial and political context in which they find themselves .
11 Where , as will normally be the case , the breach is such as must in the ordinary course of business inflict damage on the plaintiff , he may succeed without proof of any particular damage .
12 erm the rest of arbitrary proposals maybe considered small comparison in , in financial terms at least but er differ a little if any in , in educational value , that 's two hundred thousand to boost the fourteen and nineteen strategy , er I think there must in the present climate in which we have to regard the vocational content of education as well as the academic .
13 All this must in the long term benefit both clients and contractors alike . ’
14 All agencies of mass culture , i.e. the press , the radio , the television and the cinema , stand in this dialectical relation to the individual and must in the last resort concern themselves with value judgements .
15 Here the problem rests on the fact that for orthodox Marxism there can be only one ‘ other ’ , that of the working class , into which all other oppressed groups , so-called ‘ minorities ’ , must in the last instance be subsumed .
16 To qualify , an industry must in the previous three months have seen both value of production and number of its new employees fall by more than 5% from the previous year .
17 Orwell claimed the novel was an essentially protestant art form ; increasingly it appears to me that it must in the broadest sense be a Christian-humanist endeavour .
18 The energetic pursuit of these two policies should in the long run ensure a substantial improvement in the employment situation .
19 It was ‘ wholly appropriate ’ that information in these circumstances should in the first instance be given in the absence of the public .
20 The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State , Mrs Virginia Bottomley , reiterated the familiar British line that while the government was ‘ already considering the scope of agricultural restrictions , ’ it ‘ believes that wherever possible , they should in the first event be on a voluntary basis , with compulsory powers being retained as a fall-back . ’
21 Contact with the Trade Finance manager should in the first instance be made through your account holding Branch Manager .
22 Under the Data Protection Act you are entitled , subject to certain limitations , to know what data about yourself is held on computer and , if you wish to exercise this right , you should in the first instance approach the Personnel Department .
23 If in a potentially life threatening situation or one in which irreparable damage to the patient 's health is to be anticipated , doctors or hospital authorities are faced with a refusal by an adult patient to accept essential treatment and they have real doubts as to the validity of that refusal , they should in the public interest , not to mention that of their patient , at once seek a declaration from the courts as to whether the proposed treatment would or would not be lawful .
24 ‘ such occasions [ when a judge may properly rule that a document ordinarily immune in the public interest should in the public interest be disclosed ] will be exceptional and the fluctuating fortunes of parties in litigious combat will rarely justify a judge in disturbing an immunity firmly rooted in the public interest .
25 So there is still an uncomfortably strong possibility that the Yugoslav confrontation may end messily , perhaps even bloodily , just as it might in the Soviet Union , where Yugoslav events are followed with special interest .
26 The price that an institution ( or a whole country ) might have to pay for success in reversing a particular state of dependency might in the long run not be worth paying .
27 Perhaps it was only natural , only to be expected ; but with no one left to share these thoughts , the familiar presence gone , one might in the small hours come to wonder whether , being no longer needed , life was really worth living any more .
28 The issue never addressed is the level to which interest rates should be reduced to enable British industry to compete effectively , let alone give it an edge over the rest of the industrialised world — probably because they have not reached such a level for decades ; nor is there reason to hope they might in the foreseeable future . .
29 Accept her cold rebuffs without anger or impatience ; be there for her as best he might in the fond hope that this dreary rain must cease , that Spring must come again , and she might wake one day to that glorious span of light across the water-meadows .
30 [ Philip Leapor ] informs me she was always fond of reading every thing that came in her way , as soon as she was capable of it ; and that when she and learnt to write tolerably , which , as he remembers , was at about ten or eleven Years old , She would often be scribbling , and sometimes in Rhyme ; which her Mother was at first pleas 'd with : But finding this Humour increase upon her as she grew up , when she thought her capable of more profitable Employment , she endeavour 'd to break her of it ; and that he likewise , having no Taste for Poetry , and not imagining it could ever be any Advantage to her , join 'd in the same Design : But finding it impossible to alter her natural Inclination , he had of late desisted , and left her more at Liberty
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