Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In some cases a party may effectively exclude liability by including a comprehensive list of the duties it undertakes and making it clear that the list is exclusive .
2 Once the invariant set is attracting , there is the possibility that the unstable manifold of the origin , which first strikes the return plane at R or L and which then wanders chaotically around the strange attractor forever , may eventually strike AD and then tend back towards the origin .
3 City Lives may eventually generate income as material is published — a book based on the interviews is already in the pipeline .
4 After hearing so much about objects and Oracle Version 8.0 — object prototyping work has been going on at the firm since 1988 — at the moment it does n't look as though Oracle will create a separate object-oriented database product , although Oracle 's object guru , David Beech , believes it may eventually make marketing sense to do so .
5 The press may publish details of " spent " convictions , and if sued may successfully plead justification or fair comment , unless the plaintiff can show that the publication of this particular truth has been actuated by malice .
6 Pickets handing out leaflets to passers by may thereby cause harassment , alarm or distress , but they should not be held to be guilty of an offence on that account alone .
7 We may secretly take pride in our traditions and truth , but we are deficient as long as others are left outside in the cold and unable to share with us the sacrament of the Lord .
8 Skin preparation before surgery normally involves at least washing and may additionally include body hair removal to allow access to the operation site and also to reduce the risk of infection .
9 This always includes management , underwriting and selling of a bond issue , but may additionally entail arrangement of a swap , initial support for the price of the issue and an implicit commitment to make markets at a later stage .
10 An article on the Caledonian Press , in the magazine it later published , attributed the initiative of the whole enterprise to her : " To whatever credit this may entitle her , Miss Mary Anne Thomson may justly lay claim . "
11 Such an application can only be made with the leave of the court , and the court may only grant leave if it is satisfied , inter alia , that ‘ there is reasonable cause to believe that if the court 's inherent jurisdiction is not exercised with respect to the child he is likely to suffer significant harm : ’ see section 100(3) and ( 4 ) ( b ) .
12 She 's told him trying to get her back may only make life in Pakistan more difficult for her .
13 Improved forensic science standards and public sector laboratories equally available to the defence and prosecution — this may only go part way to ensuring an equality of arms between the prosecution and defence , which is essential in an adversarial system .
14 A solicitor may only give advice and assistance to a child in relation to civil proceedings with the prior authority of the Legal Aid Area Director ( reg 14(1) ) .
15 Some requesting States may only accept evidence taken in a particular way and the Convention tries to ensure that a request for a special procedure ( for example , for verbatim transcripts or , on the other hand , for a summary of the evidence in deposition form ; or for video-taped evidence ) will not be refused merely because it is inconvenient to the requested State .
16 Users may only add development versions .
17 In contrast , Article 16 provides that a diplomatic officer or consular agent may only take evidence , without compulsion , of nationals of the State in which he exercises his functions , or of third States , if a competent authority in the requested State has given its permission , either generally or in the particular case , and subject to any conditions imposed .
18 In smaller businesses , job reviews may only take place when the time comes to decide on salary increases and there might be little consultation with the majority of members of staff .
19 You may only enter development ( unapproved ) modules into LIFESPAN .
20 Some parents , who as children may have been afraid of school or bored by it , may only see education as relevant if their children are finding education unthreatening .
21 By s 9(1) of the Housing Act 1988 , the court may adjourn for such period as it thinks fit , proceedings for possession of assured tenancies , and may stay , suspend , or postpone a claim for possession — but an order for possession must not in general be postponed to a date later than fourteen days from judgment , unless this would cause exceptional hardship , when up to six weeks may be allowed ( s 89(1) of the Houseing Act 1980 ) ; the maximum of 14 days is subject to important qualifications ( s 89(2) ) examples of which are those cases under the Rent Act 1977 where the court may only order possession if reasonable , possession actions by mortgagees when the period is 28 days , and by lessors for forfeiture for non-payment of rent , when any order for possession must be for not less than four weeks ( s 138(3) of the 1984 Act ) .
22 In some bedrooms , there may be enough space to fit a shower cubicle , but others may only have space for a bedroom basin .
23 For many situations which you will face as a manager it is safe to assume that your audience may only have time to grasp perhaps just three ideas .
24 ( c ) Adjectives which , because of their lexical meaning , may only qualify sense find themselves restricted to prenominal position .
25 ‘ For good reasons which you may or may not understand , I desire to remain here in the wilderness away from those to whom I may inadvertently bring catastrophe .
26 Someone who manages to read in a noisy , crowded room may inadvertently communicate evidence as to his enviable powers of concentration .
27 Routine use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors as the first line treatment of depressive illness may greatly increase cost with only questionable benefit .
28 Obviously , such a current can not affect the transport of material in the swash zone , but it may greatly help transport by saltation and suspension in the breaker zone .
29 The difference is that with understanding , the semantic processing must eventually involve translation of the natural language input into an internal language with a semantics that is based on the knowledge representation structure of the system in question .
30 The contradictions embedded in the structure of society must eventually find expression .
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