Example sentences of "[vb mod] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 All the evidence to date — and there is a considerable body of it by now — shows that physical methods of punishment ( the deliberate infliction of pain on the child ) may for the time being suppress the behaviour that it is meant to inhibit but will not form character .
2 or such greater percentage ( which may be 100 per cent. ) as may for the time being be prescribed .
3 This may involve the following behavioural changes : * the wife may return to full-time work to increase the family 's total income ; * expenditure on other items , such as cars or holidays , may for the time be reduced ; the couple may place an increased value on the enhanced personal prestige attached to the ownership of the larger property , and will be prepared to accept the financial consequences of enjoying this enhanced prestige .
4 And , if you 'll accept my apologies , we must for the time being put the matter of Lady Maude to one side . ’
5 In the light of the foregoing material and pending the conclusion of the investigation that has been undertaken at the request of the Chief Executive , the board resolved that , in the interests of investors , Norwich Union should for the time being and with immediate effect be prohibited from : ( 1 ) accepting any new investment business from the Winchester Group or any company representative of the Winchester Group and in particular entering into any investment contract with any investor introduced by the Winchester Group or any such company representative ; and ( 2 ) soliciting investment business from members of the public through the Winchester Group or any of its company representatives .
6 Any applicant for a course of study who has a criminal record should at the time of application inform the Academic Registrar who will advise the applicant whether or not he or she is likely to be able to satisfy certain eligibility requirements for the course .
7 Next year the British candidate gained the throne of the Carnatic ; the directors of the French Company decided that Dupleix had been wasting their shareholders ' money , and in 1754 they recalled him , which must at the time have struck everybody as a prudent step to keep expenses down .
8 ( 7 ) Rule 19.7 stipulates that copies of all documents and announcements bearing on an offer and of advertisements and any material released to the press ( including any notes to editors ) must at the time of release be lodged with the advisers to all other parties to the offer as well as to the Panel .
9 He thought he had got all he could for the time being .
10 It opened with a siren and a man trying to follow as much of the government 's advice as he could in the time available .
11 By the time Ellwood had done with Piper , got as much as he could in the time they dared allow , Carey had gone .
12 If today we can see better than we could at the time the agonized grandeur of the figure of Pope Paul , the one almost ‘ liberal ’ pope of modern times , we can also see how deeply uncertain was the Church he left behind him and — after twelve years — we begin too to be able to assess in its very different character the pontificate of John Paul II .
13 ( It is true that to say " women " could at the time , and even today for many people , be regarded as discourteous . )
14 and that it was er er obviously going to be a cost-effective exercise to do it there and then , and er you both er canvassed as many councillors as you could at the time , all the committee Chairmen were , were involved , I do n't see that you could have done any more in the circumstances .
15 Clearly you would n't write in the same way for the Sun as you would for the Times or the Financial Times or the Guardian , or the Cambridge local paper .
16 My classes will for the time being be taken by other teachers , all of whom have said that they will look after them until I am ready to have them back .
17 Getting an old cast iron downpipe off the wall is not easy and there is a fair chance that if it did n't need replacing when you started , it will by the time you 've removed it .
18 Will by the time I 've finished with him .
19 Diversification may at the time appear to be the only way that the company can maintain its profits growth and defend the value of its shares .
20 A Contracting State may at the time of signature , ratification or accession , declare that it will not execute Letters of request issued for the purpose of obtaining pre-trial discovery of documents as known in Common Law countries .
21 Candidates should produce as much mailable copy as they can in the time allowed and should be discouraged from sacrificing quality for quantity .
22 Candidates should produce as much mailable copy as they can in the time allowed and should be discouraged from sacrificing quality for quantity .
23 Candidates should produce as much mailable copy as they can in the time allowed and should be discouraged from sacrificing quality for quantity .
24 A term created by a lease must be expressed either with certainty and specifically or by reference to something that can at the time the lease takes effect be looked to as a certain ascertainment of what the term is meant to be ( Lace v Chantler [ 1944 ] KB 368 : lease " for the duration of the war " was void for uncertainty ) .
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