Example sentences of "[vb mod] need [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 It was also suggested that theologians may need to look at the theology of play in order to gain a more positive understanding of the entertainment role of the media .
2 Such movements , however , do not necessarily and simply entail the substitution of a smaller conjugally-based family for a traditional extended family ; rather it would appear that at these times kin may take on a new significance , and that we may need to look at a network of relationships much wider than the conjugal family .
3 Interest cover , for example , would not be so appropriate — the shareholder would be more interested in dividends and may need to look at alternative investment opportunities as well as the possibility of selling their shares at this stage given the results of Belper .
4 The coding frame for each question should have been constructed at the pilot stage except for open questions where we may need to look at all responses to decide on groupings .
5 It may need hosing at high pressure to get rid of any surface slime .
6 No doubt with a passenger in the back the trim would be sufficient , but the sink rate might need watching at that speed .
7 If you use windows it is worth putting applications that you might need to use at the same time on different drives .
8 If you find in the longer run that the process of " being in love " stops you functioning properly ( i.e. getting your college work done ) that too is something you might need to look at with some skilled help ( i.e. a skilled counsellor ) .
9 I think we might need to look at that one very carefully to see whether it adds anything to the er criteria .
10 This chapter describes some of the sources you might need to look at as you go about your study , how to find them , and how to use them .
11 If I move this out of the way cos you 'll need to get at Sorry .
12 ‘ Then I 'll need to work at it even harder than I am at the moment . ’
13 I mean you 'd need to look at the touring schedules and things
14 we 'd need to look at it again , would n't we ?
15 Now that would need looking at , otherwise Birmingham and West Midlands er , accept the sectionalization .
16 To capture the social aspects of deixis , we would need to add at least one further dimension , say of relative rank , in which the speaker is socially higher , lower or equal to the addressee and other persons that might be referred to .
17 For that to begin to come about , a challenger would need to attract at least 70 MPs to vote for him or abstain .
18 According to the draft rules , a candidate would need to win at least 200 out of 300 votes to secure election in the first round or in a second round five days later .
19 Whereas the pet Rottweiler living at home would require a low degree of sharpness , a Schutzhund dog or a dog who is required to guard a family home would need to have at least a medium degree of sharpness .
20 This would need to look at why we have a welfare service of ‘ being in care ’ , how this has developed historically , what routes are taken by children coming into care and the circumstances surrounding their entry .
21 It would need to look at least at the two following decades .
22 And it is the moment-to-moment tasks children engage in , that will be the focus for much of the observational assessment we shall need to look at next .
23 Assuming that a target company is confined to an authority of 10 per cent it will be seen that the directors of the target and their concert parties will need to hold at least 27 per cent before the buy-in to hold 30 per cent afterwards and thereby trigger a Rule 9 obligation .
24 As far as minimum requirements go , you will need to take at least one blank video cassette with you .
25 Because brokers ' charges are high for small deals , you will need to invest at least £1000 in each .
26 In any event , you will need to have at least one independent judge who is unconnected with either the company or the publication .
27 You will need to spray at three day intervals at least three or four times , but preferably over a period of several weeks to control any new pests as soon as they hatch , before they can reproduce .
28 ‘ If such plans develop , we will need to look at the company 's existing share structure and a 1-for-1 capitalisation issue would seem appropriate . ’
29 The LEA will need to look at other routes as well .
30 Okay , but I just wanted to go on to say that I think in reviewing how the budget may be brought more closely under control in the coming year , officers will need to look at the erm size of the committees because we are working with committees at the moment that are larger than those committees which used to exist when this year 's budget was set and that has had some impact and we need to have the implications of any change of committee size whether that might affect the budget , how that would affect the budget , also whether there is any potential for reducing the number of committees further and also whether the rates might be changed , I particularly would like officers to report on what , whether there would be any significant saving from er setting the rates at the round figures they were at a couple of years ago erm
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