Example sentences of "[vb mod] make the good " in BNC.

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1 Well , it 's too late now , so let's make the best of it .
2 Let's make the best of it we can .
3 At this point Fleischmann decided that as the whole thing was going ahead , then he should make the best of it and then get away for home in England immediately .
4 Rabbits do n't relish the prospect of sharing a home with rats but they are unable to move them out and must make the best of it .
5 We must make the best of it . ’
6 If you do n't , then you must make the best of living here .
7 ‘ Well , we must make the best of it , ’ said her mother .
8 To meet these aspirations we must make the best use of our human , technological , material and financial resources and this must be done within the framework of a well planned and a well managed system .
9 We must make the best of an occasion which has overtaken us but which neither of us would want , given the choice . ’
10 You must make the best of me , Papa .
11 But it was no use bemoaning her fate — she must make the best of it and hope that time would eventually heal the biggest wound she had ever experienced .
12 ‘ Our Matthew 'll make the best sailor there ever was ! ’ she declared .
13 As she scowled he continued , ‘ You 'll make the best of this opportunity .
14 If it 's bad , being a little rebel , I think oh well , I 'll make the best of it .
15 The young man 's brother wrote to Lord Panmure to see if David could make the best of the situation in which he found himself by obtaining a midshipman 's place .
16 As a member of one of the two departments into which the direction politique of the foreign ministry was then divided , he found that he and his colleagues spent much of their time playing draughts and that there was considerable rivalry between the two as to which could make the better " five o'clock tea " .
17 Five years ago , Mrs Thatcher had a commanding lead over Mr Kinnock as the person who ‘ would make the best Prime Minister ’ .
18 The 19 per cent who thought in 1987 he would make the best Prime Minister compares with 28 per cent today .
19 In theory , as mass is the best sound insulation , it would seem that building a new brick wall alongside the party wall would make the best improvement .
20 One plausible result might , of course , be that the PLP would make the best of it , tolerating B as their Leader because he was the choice of the Party .
21 In the case of the powerpack they have been greatly influenced by the work of Professor Thring and his colleagues , and have proposed a hybrid powerpack which would make the best use of an internal combustion engine and electric motor and would reduce fuel consumption by some 50% and toxic emissions by 80% .
22 She would make the best of these few days up here , work and yet take time to relax and most of all to forget Fernando Serra .
23 A total of 25.8pc now think he would make the best Prime Minister — up 0.8pc from July , while Mr Major 's rating has fallen again , from 17.7pc to 16.1pc .
24 Who would make the better monarch ?
25 Perhaps Alice would make the better wife .
26 I have no doubt myself that a man or woman earnestly seeking in grown-up life to be guided to wide and suggestive knowledge in its largest and most uplifted sphere will make the best of all the pupils in this age of clatter and buzz , of gape and gloat .
27 Full-back Wadsworth 's ‘ remarkable accuracy ’ turned defence immediately to attack by the way he could ‘ take the ball from an opposing forward and send it to the forward he thinks will make the best use of the pass ’ ( Examiner ) .
28 If the input string is not completely numeric , it will make the best it can of what it is given .
29 Although the situation is bad , investors can make the best of it .
30 What they do have in common is that in all cases industry will be looking for the location where it can make the best profit .
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