Example sentences of "[vb mod] make [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If parents and governors are now to be involved , this may make sex education even more complicated as teachers try to accommodate a variety of differing moral views on what should be taught .
2 TODAY talked to four people whose cases should make Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley think twice about shutting this proud hospital .
3 In the long run , therefore , it should make business sense and may be the only thing that brings peace of mind .
4 If an asset sale is a qualifying merger under FTA 1973 , because of the risk of an order for divestment the purchaser should make completion conditional on prior approval by the OFT using a clause similar to that in Clause 4.1(b) of the Standard Sale Agreement ( see Appendix III ) .
5 On the tricky fact that some passengers have more money than others ( and Mr Pannick 's taxi has been stopped very frequently by the government in recent years ; he has had a special sign on it since 1988 that says ‘ Junior council to the Crown , common law ’ ) , the author declares that the authorities ‘ must make expenditre reon legal aid a high priority and that the defects in the structure of legal aid are in need of urgent repair ’ .
6 We do n't have our separate stuff , sort of thing , my mother will make sort of , bulk of egg mayonnaise , like the other day , I thought , I 'll make egg mayonnaise now .
7 He 'll make Heathcliff pay rent , and hope to win money from him at cards .
8 In times of social upheaval we guard against anything that might make society fragment too precipitately and dangerously , and we try to take care that racist or intolerant literature is suppressed .
9 And i if the man in the field had got a grudge against a bloke who was stacking i or taking off in the stack yard he could make life hell .
10 Now if I were to mix some of that with another substance I could make printing ink .
11 The factory used to make cheque processing systems for banks ; these are now made in factories in France and America .
12 An interesting development is the direct synthesis of acetic anhydride , used to make cellulose acetate for photographic film base .
13 Both produce syn-gas using the same chemical reactions used to make water gas .
14 And they used to make coltsfoot wine .
15 Used to make cowslip wine !
16 ‘ Mam used to make bilberry pie , ’ said Beuno , ‘ and sometimes we 'd have trout , but her idea of a real treat was tinned salmon and tinned peaches . ’
17 There did not appear to be any certainty that the RHA would make capital gain out of the exercise , whether or not such gain might be applied for non-mental health purposes .
18 Even if the private sector could be persuaded to take on the project , whose estimated costs have now trebled to £3bn , the fare levels needed to make it profitable would make trail travel to Paris through the tunnel barely competitive with the airlines .
19 Though his critics maintain they were trying to be constructive and wanted him to stay , Sutton was convinced that the criticism had been organized in advance as a warning that if he did not go , as Pilger was demanding , they would make life hell for him .
20 As an international loan officer , I learned to forget about security and instead to develop a set of rationales that would make home office feel good about the loan , even though , technically , it was ‘ unsecured ’ .
21 They argue that lifting the ban would make policing piracy harder , and that consumers would not see much benefit anyway .
22 Then the music starts , and proceedings plunge from terrible to worse as Mick turns up his five-string fretless ego-bass and it farts rudely into our ears , followed by sickeningly bland streams of wah-wah guitar , scratching , torturous violin and pseudo- ‘ passionate ’ vocals all ‘ awash ’ ( © Tosspot Session Musician 's Handbook , 1972 ) in bloated keyboard atmospherics that would make ELP sound like The Lurkers .
23 He would make rock star Phil Collins Minister for Arts .
24 At least he was prepared to be amiable and friendly , and that would make office life a lot more pleasant during her remaining weeks with Woodline Design .
25 That would make match fishing from the beach into a farce and would be guaranteed to drive away competitors even more than the current poor fishing .
26 An overhaul of the tax system along the lines suggested would make collection cleaner and more administratively efficient , costing less than 1% of receipts and probably releasing many non- productive industries , thereby increasing our national productive potential .
27 National Rivers Authority was also worried because once the section is designated its legal protection would make flood maintenance work difficult .
28 And Dr Martin Mogridge , of London University 's transport studies group , has persuasively argued that , in London , speedier trains and tubes will make road traffic go faster while new roads will do the opposite .
29 The proponents of this approach to policy claim that it will encourage a more stable background in which the private sector can make its own investment and spending plans with greater certainty about future government policy ; that it will prevent abrupt and damaging shifts of policy ; and that it will make government manipulation of monetary policy for electoral purposes more difficult .
30 Resolved , That this House takes note of European Community Documents Nos. 8356/90 , relating to agricultural production methods , 7570/91 , and the Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food on 13th November 1991 , relating to the development and future of the Common Agricultural Policy , and 8886/91 COR 1,8950/91 and 9136/91 , relating to amendments to the legal framework of the Common Agricultural Policy ; and supports the Government 's intention to seek reform of the Common Agricultural Policy which will make Community agriculture more market-orientated and efficient , will put more emphasis on environmental care , will reduce the cost of that Policy and will apply fairly throughout the Community .
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