Example sentences of "[vb mod] have been [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I think the police should have been to see her within hours and not waited four years to see her . ’
2 A padlock was where the laces should have been to stop anyone taking them off when alone in the middle of the corridor .
3 ( Only now do I realize how strong the desire in her for a daughter must have been to cause her to dress her youngest son as a little girl almost until the day he went to school , his fair hair nearly reaching his waist ; yet he had grown up a man . )
4 What a delight it must have been to watch express trains thundering up the bank at Arkwright bridge .
5 If you could imagine yourself being without the radio , T. V. , or telephone then you just might come close to imagining how difficult it must have been to spread or hand on the message of Christianity .
6 Importance of contacts : Sir Patrick is quite happy with the thought that one of BP 's intentions in inviting him to join its board must have been to gain access to his little black book .
7 One of Town 's resolutions must have been to make more of their chances .
8 How alarmed you must have been to discover she was receiving secret messages from some mysterious adviser , who also promised he would arrange her escape from Godstowe !
9 It had nothing to do with the fact that Ace Barton 's hard-won road to the top just proved to her how ruthless he must have been to have attained his ultimate goal .
10 Nevertheless , it was held that the legislative intention must have been to exclude from the equitable rule any mortgage by a company .
11 How proud they might have been to see him now , risen so high above their status ; how fulfilled .
12 It is a tenable hypothesis that Bayezid II did indeed set a pattern and that many of the later foundations involving a joint muderris/muftilik were made simply in imitation of his precedent , though their effect might have been to create an official muftilik where none had existed before or to upgrade an existing muftilik ( which latter may well have been Bayezid II's intention in Amasya and Istanbul ) .
13 He had kept on and on about those keys , although she had been deaf to his insistence ; he had come several miles to catch her at home and seize a chance to rifle her bag for them ; if there had been any purpose to the meeting at the Old Mitre it might have been to get the keys .
14 Interesting and indeed impressive as it might have been to learn that the drinking water was purified through an electric purifier , and that the shower contained a tension-soothing massage attachment , everything paled into insignificance beside her overwhelming desire to give her loathsome husband 's shins a very painful kick !
15 WHEN Raymond Leppard , prone to roar ‘ no Max Bruch ! ’ at those whose Baroque style he regarded as over fulsome , withdrew from Tuesday 's Tunnell Trust concert , the shrewdest move , perhaps , might have been to change the programme .
16 The effect of the order of Waite J. , had it not been immediately stayed by this court , might have been to require the health authority to put J. on a ventilator in an intensive care unit , and thereby possibly to deny the benefit of those limited resources to a child who was much more likely than J. to benefit from them .
17 One solution could have been to put the smaller plants and animals in boxes or circles around a central illustration of a lake or pond with arrows indicating where they could be found .
18 Often many years elapsed before the village farmers built their new houses , however inconvenient it may have been to live in the centre of the parish and to farm on the boundaries .
19 Where he is addressing the converted , so to speak , he can say that his intention may have been to reinforce or confirm views already held rather than to stir up hatred .
20 Trade continued to fluctuate in the 1880s , and from now on worries were regularly expressed in the STC : " however reluctant we may have been to realise the position into which we were slowly but surely drifting " the threat was now a permanent reality . "
21 His mistake may have been to assume the election was won before it was fought .
22 It is likely that the motive for the new designs may have been to enhance the dignity of the King and to stress his magnificence ; it is impossible to say if there was any deliberate intention of claiming additional status for him , or if this was a subsequent interpretation of the imagery .
23 A Kentish hegemony in south-east England at this time is not , therefore , wholly out of the question , and Offa 's intention in intervening in 784–5 and thereafter may have been to gain mastery of it and contain it .
24 This may be a genuine statement — in fact the seller 's own objective may have been to gain a foothold in the buyer 's business .
25 For example , their practice of reiterated warnings to an individual of the wrongfulness of his or her words or actions may have been to ensure that he or she did not plead ignorance of wrongdoing , which could have been an acceptable defence in the courts .
26 ‘ So I struggled on when the best thing would have been to go into the reserves and get my confidence back .
27 I mean , the sensible thing would have been to go to her room , would n't it ?
28 But the only powers they would have then had to stop contact with the abuser would have been to take the children into care .
29 Yes , it was real , it was happening : sitting with her back straight and her head up in the carriage on the way back , she thought how proud her father would have been to see her at the centre of all this pomp and splendour , and found herself mentally comparing his craggy looks and red beard with Joãs clean-shaven face and small , manicured hands .
30 Of course one effect of the making of these revelations would have been to put D's record ( if he had one ) in issue as well , so that the jury would have had even more to think about to assist them in the weighing of the evidence in this case or ( depending on how you look at it ) to distract them from it .
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