Example sentences of "[vb mod] have be make " in BNC.

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1 Mr Richard Aiken , counsel for BBC Enterprises , had told the court that a decision on whether to continue the BBC Europe service should have been made at the end of November but had been deferred until a meeting of the directors on December 29 .
2 For indeed they are not , and it is understandable that they should have been made .
3 Is there some development that I should have been made aware of ? ’
4 Neither viewpoint is absolute , but some reference should have been made to several recent studies of evolutionary rates in the Pleistocene mammals of Europe .
5 The appropriate comparison should have been made by following through a cohort who would have been exposed by the accident .
6 A new breakthrough should have been made in mid-1989 , when the track was used as a theme to the Jeff Goldblum/Rowan Atkinson movie The Tall Guy , in which Suggs made an appearance .
7 ‘ By rights they should have been made on Stir-up Sunday , only I was too busy .
8 This person should have been made to feel the full weight of the law . ’
9 It makes provision for monetary compensation to be paid to any person to whom an offer should have been made but was not , and who has suffered loss .
10 Churning is not good for buyers though : endowments are meant to be long-term investments , and it should have been made clear to you when you bought the policy that you would lose out if you cashed in before the end of the agreed term , which is typically , 25 years .
11 ‘ Today 's statement should have been made by Michael Heseltine , not a law officer .
12 Although the game against the All Blacks was entertaining , the flaws in the Boks line-up were evident to see and changes should have been made for the following encounter with the World Champions .
13 The people of England should have been made aware of the significance of the match .
14 The first point to make is that this is the same book as originally published in 1974 and retrospectively numbered ‘ 36 ’ in the series — we feel this should have been made clear by titling it ‘ Revised Edition ’ in the style previously followed .
15 This money should have been made available anyway .
16 If B 's complaint were that an attempt should have been made to invoke the Gallagher jurisdiction when his appeal was before the House of Lords , then it is long out of time .
17 Finally , the question arises whether this application should have been made to the Court of Appeal .
18 He suggests , for example , that instead of making a care order an interim care order should have been made with a view to reviewing the progress of rehabilitation in six or nine months time .
19 The Court was surprised that those suggestions should have been made , and the Court owed it to its members and to all concerned to make it clear that no attempt had been made by anyone directly or indirectly , otherwise than in open court , to influence its decision .
20 It should have been made quite clear to you from the beginning that MI5 's word on this would be final . ’
21 ‘ That 's true , ’ Anne agreed , ‘ but I think he should have been made to suffer for the way others suffered through him .
22 Underneath this she wore black cotton trousers — ideally these should have been made of silk , but she felt sure no one would notice .
23 When there has been a contravention of subsection ( 1 ) of section 89 or of any of subsections ( 1 ) to ( 6 ) of section 90 or of a provision to which subsection ( 3 ) of section 89 applies , the company and every officer of it who knowingly authorised or permitted the contravention are jointly and severally liable to compensate any person , to whom an offer should have been made under the subsection or provision , for any loss , damage costs or expenses .
24 Interviewing confused old people does take longer , and may well require more imaginative ways of gaining information than through a standard questionnaire ( see for example Willcocks ( 1984 ) ) , but surely an attempt should have been made ?
25 Williams ' damages were assessed at the difference between the contract price ( 16s. 3d. ) and the market price on the date when delivery should have been made ( 23s. 6d . ) .
26 On the date when delivery should have been made under the first contract , the market price was 70s .
27 Surely arrangements should have been made to allow the Secretary of State to report to the House on the outcome of the consultations and on the advice of his expert , Mr. Roy Stoner of Southampton university , about the objections voiced during the consultation period .
28 He said arrangements should have been made to actually take him to a medical officer and said he should not have been allowed to leave Comber and Newtownabbey RUC stations when he called that day .
29 By this stage each party contacted should have been made aware of the firm 's professional relationship with the client and the confidentiality and sensitivity of any client information discussed .
30 A party receiving a payment which should have been made into court shall forthwith notify the proper officer in writing and pay the money received into court ( Ord 11 , r 1A ) .
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