Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [been] put " in BNC.

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1 We should have been putting money by for a rainy day because that rainy day came .
2 Mr Beloff argued that a prima facie case of professional misconduct had been made out and should have been put before the barristers ' disciplinary tribunal .
3 Finally , the false vocal cord theory is supported by the evidence of the simple action of placing your fingers gently on the throat of a purring cat — there is no doubt , then , that the purring sound is stemming from the region of the voice-box , and it is hard to see why any alternative theory should have been put forward .
4 Have you seen this publicity which should have been put through your door ?
5 In fact one can often feel Tolkien , between these ‘ low ’ and ‘ high ’ stylistic poles , breaking with complete success out of all the categories into which he should have been put , rising again from the edge of romance to what almost anyone might call ‘ myth ’ .
6 The agreement was cancelled because it should have been put out to competitive bidding .
7 Surely she is not suggesting that only her side of the case should have been put .
8 This may , of course , have been a retrospective opinion that was at least tinged with 25 years ' subsequent experience and challenged , both before and after , the worldwide definitions of the late 1940s which seemed to require that the Vietminh should have been put into either one of two boxes , nationalist or communist , but not both .
9 Because private accommodation is usually paid a month at a time , as compared to a term in advance in halls of residence , it 's often tempting to lull oneself into a false sense of secure finances , spending money that should have been put aside for the rent .
10 If Ronald Kray really was as vile as he is herein depicted , he should have been put to death and swiftly forgotten .
11 We do not think that they should have been put to this trouble we defend the status quo in the Scottish Bus Group .
12 The lad should have been put in the cells for a few hours to cool off .
13 He should have been put up against a wall and shot , if you ask me , for dereliction of duty .
14 The Commander embarked on one of his monologues on the supineness of the Tory government and the unregenerate socialism of the opposition , interrupted only by murmurs of approval from Fagg , who contributed the insight that rioting yobs in a northern city should have been put down by the Gurkhas .
15 No no no but we 're saying that the chiller should have been put on wh
16 We are a proud nation and at least we should have been put on stand-by . ’
17 I do n't think I am a cruel or sadistic person , but I believe both the people I have mentioned , and certainly the second , should have been put down , unless a medical operation could be found that ensured their cure .
18 An ordinary person must have been put out by this .
19 Although Macmillan 's diary entries for 12 and 13 May provide the main direct contemporary source for what was discussed on his visits to Eighth Army , 13 Corps and 5 Corps ( there is no military source reflecting the contents of those discussions ) , it should be stated that Macmillan 's account tallies directly with all the contextual evidence for the range of problems which must have been put forward by each side .
20 I think he must have been put in from a boat . "
21 I think he must have been putting on all that business with his ankle , just to gain sympathy . ’
22 they must have been putting two thousand in you know
23 Osbert Lancaster did some memorable cartoons for the V & A 's ‘ Country House ’ exhibition in which he caricatured the unsuitable new uses to which the great houses of fiction might have been put had they existed in real life .
24 One solution could have been to put the smaller plants and animals in boxes or circles around a central illustration of a lake or pond with arrows indicating where they could be found .
25 The ladder could have been put up against the wall any time of night — ’
26 But Finniston still harbours the belief that the wealth of experience he acquired during his ten years at British Steel could have been put to better service for the nation .
27 This showed conclusively that Thoresby 's contents were far more complete than had previously been realized and , with relatively little rearrangement , could have been put back as they appeared in early photographs .
28 This might well have been followed by Salt 111 discussions in which various new measures could have been put on the disarmament agenda — British and French strategic weapons , American F-111 bombers in Europe-as well as a continued ban on the deployment of ground-launched cruise missiles by both sides .
29 Under the new Dangerous Dogs Act , Cleo could have been put down , but the court accepted her owner 's plea that she had been deliberately and maliciously let out of a shed , and set a new precedent by allowing the dog to go back to her family .
30 One might well have imagined that an exhibition such as the one recently at the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt ( and now at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam ) , dealing with the Russian Avant-garde , could have been put on in Leipzig , Dresden or at least East Berlin with the necessary detachment of course .
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