Example sentences of "[vb mod] even [be] that " in BNC.

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1 It might even be that the whole of our galaxy was required .
2 It might even be that the very military orderliness with which the Germans performed their mining affairs could have resulted in alienation .
3 It could even be that you need to change job altogether .
4 It could even be that one of the worn words on the aforementioned standing stone was ‘ Drustans ’ , another name for Tristan and that the stone marked the place where Mark ordered the lovers to be buried together .
5 It could even be that we are moving into a hitherto unknown dimension with the next steps in IT .
6 In 1944 it took courage to write so favourably about Pound ; and it may even be that Phyllis Bottome foresaw , and was trying to guard against , the peril that Pound would be in as soon as hostilities should be over .
7 It may even be that despite taking care with matching yourself to the job before making an initial application you may find out further information that will make you less enthusiastic about the job .
8 It may even be that the indiscriminacy of some of the air operations in the Second World War will come to be seen as something of a historical aberration , and a mere temporary consequence of the undeveloped state of the arts of target acquisition and guidance .
9 It may even be that some ingredients were added from outer space , brought by meteorites .
10 It may even be that the coupon helped to limit the size of the Unionist victory and to prolong the life of the Liberal Party .
11 Herbs to keep an eye on are the marjorams , of which there are at least three different kinds , tarragon ( two ) , dill and fennel , which hybridize very easily , garden mint which is often a cross with horse-mint , or may even be that species , lovage which can look like ground-elder while young , and French sorrel which is invariably confused with the inferior-tasting English sorrel .
12 It may even be that our exceptionally limited use of the sense of smell , and our twentieth-century obsession with eliminating body odours , are a recognition of the chaos our unmasked scents could create in our overcrowded lives .
13 It may even be that he receive Dalriadic assistance .
14 It may even be that the Eadwulf who challenged the accession of Osred , son of Aldfrith , in 704 , and whose son was with Wilfrid at Ripon at the time ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 59 ) ( see below , p. 146 ) , was of royal Deiran extraction .
15 It may even be that in Kent for about a year after Ecgberht 's death , ‘ Wulfhere could have been the effective ruler ’ .
16 It may even be that at no one moment in mid-Silurian times was limestone being deposited throughout the region concerned .
17 It may even be that it was done to make possible the appointment of this particular scholar , a native of Bosnasarayi who had taught to the level .
18 But certainly it may even be that people might , in the future , even prefer to talk to computers under some circumstances .
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