Example sentences of "[vb mod] look [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 IF EVER there was a country where budget ideas are welcomed it is Japan , and a useful one now emerges : those unable to afford the bullet train — shinkansen — should look to long-distance buses , which can produce a saving ofas much as 40per cent .
2 It seems reasonable that BW should look to outside bodies for funding , because of the problems of collecting revenue from users .
3 We would therefore be able to bring in other measures which we have n't modelled so far er but that is also the guidance that you should bring in , not only nowadays you should not only look to build a bypass , you should look to complementary measures within the urban area .
4 I do n't think we should look for fundamental changes now but we must look at the configuration of services
5 After looking for agoraphobic avoidance , the therapist should look for social avoidance .
6 We should look with deep understanding and compassion upon those whose relationships have failed or are in danger of failing .
7 Now that we have looked at Wharram Percy deserted village and seen something of the 30-year long excavations there , we should look at other studies and excavations on village sites which seem to suggest the same developments implied at Wharram Percy .
8 The right hon. Gentleman should look at other surveys and forecasters .
9 De Sade said that if one wants to know about death one should look at sexual excitement .
10 So whilst it 's desirable to encourage the use of rail , I think in in in practice it 's going to be er very difficult to achieve that and in therefore you should look at public transport in the round .
11 From time to time , more goods are produced than can profitably be sold and , as a result , capital must look for other forms of investment .
12 Beyond it we must look at actual behaviour to assess the impact of higher taxes on incentives .
13 While non-verbal communication of the kinds described above have a powerful role in underlining , reinforcing or betraying our feelings and aspirations , the moment we try to communicate on a wider scale than inter-personal , we must look at other sign systems to convey meaning .
14 If a primary source is being accessed then the student must look to other indicators for confirmation — such as the regnal year , the indiction and the day of the month in Roman fashion , already covered , but also the golden number , the epact , the dominical letter and the concurrents .
15 Isabel remained very still for a minute , thinking about how much worse she must look with red-rimmed eyes and tears mingling with the dirt on her face .
16 we we , we were hearing from Jenny about the government , but we we must look into other parties I mean there 's a general election going to be coming off soon , we , we as carers should be looking into who is going to benefit us .
17 To understand why he was willing to take such an immense risk with his own reputation as well as with France 's future , one must look beyond personal ambition .
18 We 'll look at possible types of local production , how each can be organised and how each could be used .
19 And whereas with departmental approach we may have been satisfied with the ability to do extracts down from our corporate mainframe systems in the enterprise approach we 'll look for proper and full integration of the mainframe as an integral part of the environment .
20 Italo Argentino Lúder , the then Defence Minister , announced on Aug. 17 that about 100 trials of members of the armed forces were to be cancelled but that the armed forces might look at individual cases with a view to punishment .
21 Thus , we might look at lithological changes through the geological column .
22 This might look like good news for the huge municipal-bond market .
23 By comparison with the rest of the world in the sixteenth century , some parts of western Europe might look like well-organized nations but it was still true that the main bond holding countries together was the personal loyalty that a local military leader felt to his sovereign .
24 As past achievements are taken for granted and new challenges emerge , so voters may look for alternative leaders .
25 Either way , some employees may look for other jobs to avoid being made redundant or having to relocate .
26 Your friends may look on regular study as unnecessary : we do n't agree and we know more than they do .
27 Although children of four may look like pint-sized fives , they have much less concentration .
28 Whilst this may look like easy fun for those who did not have to cope with the impossible timetables and endless pressures , the reason for criticism is not to deride the working groups but to understand in concrete terms the limitations of the system now in operation .
29 All three represent fundamental shake-ups and policy shifts , and as their implementation coincides with a ruthless financial squeeze on local government , the council tax and community care may look like empty statements of ideology rather than meaningful new policies .
30 Older children may look after new additions to the family and learn about being a parent by doing so .
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