Example sentences of "[vb mod] give [pers pn] any " in BNC.

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1 I wonder if you could give me any information on osteospermums .
2 I would be very grateful if you could give me any information on the tank and feeding requirements of these fish , plus where I could obtain some more literature on them as I can not seem to find any at all .
3 I understand that the changes are fairly limited , and I should be grateful if he could give me any further information .
4 It seemed so terrible to see this old , old man amidst these beautiful surroundings , when nothing , she felt sure , could give him any pleasure now .
5 A sad tale about a man who died at the age of 103 because no one would give him any money .
6 At the end of an hour we suggested a minute of quiet , to see if God 's wisdom would give us any such ideas .
7 Charles 's following ( populus ) then swore " in its own language , the lingua romana " : " If Louis keeps the oath which he swears to his brother Charles , and my lord Charles for his part does not keep his , if I can not make him refrain [ from that action ] , then neither I nor any other whom I can make refrain will give him any aid against Louis " .
8 With the exception of Samna IV none of the products mentioned will give you any sort of WYSIWYG display on a PC whereas an Apple Macintosh almost always gives a WYSIWYG display , but with a little perseverance it is relatively easy to convert from typescript to pseudo typeset for just the cost of a page printer .
9 However , we shall adhere to the view ( treated more fully in Appendix A ) that there are no good grounds for supposing that systems designed to model relationships in external worlds will give us any insight into the syntagmatic links used by human syntax when it joins words into phrases and sentences .
10 I have been quoted coots ranging from £2,000 to £5,000 and I would like to know if you can give me any advice on which of the more common Ford , BMC , Perkins diesel engines can be obtained from scrappers , reconditioned and fitted .
11 " If you can give me any news of Mr. Andrew , please ring at four o'clock in the morning .
12 The first task with a coin , as with any other artefact , is to try to establish its date and attribute it to a place of manufacture and authority , since we must know where and when it was made before it can give us any information about the past .
13 If the Minister can give us any example from the privatisation programme , in which the Government have been engaged since 1979 , of a Secretary of State coming to the House in order to bring in check private owners who have subsequently done away with the right of the employees of former public companies , I should be extremely interested to hear about it .
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